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Save SX settings

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Do you remember, some time ago, Deepsound asked how to save preferences for Cubase VST, in case of a big crash requiring to re-install it. You just had to save a file, "cubprefs.dat" (search in WIndows, I can't remember the exact path ;op), with the VSTplugins folder, the def.all song, etc...!

Well, it doesn't work with Cubase SX ! After having searched for many days in all SX system files, I found it ;o)

How to do it in detail

Here is the trick !

Before the crash and the re-installation :

  1. Open XP's Register Editor (Start/Run, then type "Regedit", then OK)
  2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Steinberg (click on the small "+" next to each branch to develop the treeview)
  3. Right click on the "Cubase SX" folder, and select "Export"
  4. Choose a folder to save to and give a name (like MyOwnCubase). It produces a *.reg file, used to update the register.

After re-installing

  1. Open the Register Editor, go to the same place in the register (HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Steinberg) and delete the "Cubase SX" folder (right click, "Delete"). Close the Editor.
  2. Double click on the MyOwnCubase.reg file you saved before, confirm each time.
  3. Open Cubase... magic ! Your preferences are back as you liked them (Language, parts appearance, colours, saving options, etc...)

Warning !

This will NOT save the personal keyboard shortcuts. To save them, use the "Export" function in the dedicated menu in SX (and save it in the same folder as MyOwnCubase.reg) !

You also have to save the two VSTplugins folders, the default project (default.cpr), and anything you created yourself. Finally, save the "Cubase SX" folder which is in the "C:\Documents and Settings \ YOUR USER NAME \ Application Data\Steinberg" folder !

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Ceedjay, on the 18-03-2003

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