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The Cubase "WishList"

You're here : Cubase >The Laboratory

This page will give you the possibility to express yourself fully !

Cubase, like any other software is not perfect. There are bugs here and there and especially some functionalities that are still not established or that could be improved.

The only purpose of this page is thus to index the improvements wished by the Cubase users, in condition to not falling into a completely excentric way, like this : "I would like a plug-in that holds beers fresh" !

These improvements will be in a first time discussed, taken from the Mailing-List , but you will be able to propose also an improvement via the form which is in the bottom of this page.

In the same time, you can vote for the function that seems to you as a priority. Only one vote is possible...

Steinberg-France indicated to us to be able to send the informations of this page to Germany. Without this "promise", the page would not have any interest. So, you are listened, with you of knowing to benefit from it !

Pascal Valentin>

Laboratory Summary

Criteria of selection

To reduce the page, you can operate a selection by choosing to display only such or such type or even by choosing between the functions on standby of realization or those already established.


Functions to display

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Réf 222 - An Audio to Midi trigger
I wish to have a trigger integrated in Cubase because I have to do with some drum tracks much or less well recorded and it is such a pain to mix !
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Audio-6178Voter pour

Réf 220 - Importation of Monkey's Audio files
Working regularly at distance by Internet or by receiving CD / DVD, this format is an non-destructive solution for compressing files, very useful and on more, open source.
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Audio-5666Voter pour

Réf 219 - Video with SX
When I use video with SX2 and Reason, as soon as I select the Reason window, the video window disappears. It is not convenient. In VST, the video window was separated from Cubase, you were able thus to work in Reason while watching the video.
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Autre-5743Voter pour

Réf 218 - An audio signal at the end of the processings
Some processings, once started, can last up to several minutes. It would be useful to be able to configure a sound which Cubase would give forth at the end of those actions, so that the user wouldn't waste his time by doing some other things meanwhile.
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Général-5555Voter pour

Réf 217 - CPU consumption vumeter plug-in per plug-in
Having a possibility to know exactly the CPU consumption rate for each plug-in used in a project. For example, as an added column in "Plug-in Information" dialog which would indicate a percentage. It would be very useful during certain stages of your work when you wish to recover some ressources. And as this function would eventually use some ressources too, it should be possible to activate / deactivate it at will. Why not having then a particular visualization mode for this function track by track in the Mixer. Thus, you could see how each track takes up the ressources and you would have the possibility to manage these ressources much easily.
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Plug-in-5805Voter pour

Réf 216 - Displaying 2 pages on screen
Knowing that most of instrument scores stand on two pages, it would be judicious to have such a display option in the Mode Page (2 pages on screen).
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Score-5606Voter pour

Réf 215 - Reintroducing Studio Module SysEx MIDI Librarian
The Studio Module is a tool for gathering and maintaining >setting in your MIDI Devices. >It performs this task by retrieving and sending out System Exlusive >data, which is a very loosely defined type of MIDI data that each >manufacture can utilise for their own purposes.
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Midi-5519Voter pour

Réf 214 - Automatic adaptation of the Project length
In the menu Project / Project Setup, the field Length allows to define the project length. This option has a consequence on the Freeze lenght (among other things). This could be optimized if the length could stretch itself automatically when recording. Thus, you could define first a minimum length of 1 minute to start the project, and this length would fit progressively to the length of the longer Audio and Midi takes, or of the imported Audio files. This would also make it possible to optimize the Project Overview. Actually, if your record goes beyond the defined length, Cubase adds automatically 5 minutes for each outtake. It's too much. Some successive additions of 1 minute or even 30 seconds would be much more adapted.
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Général-5596Voter pour

Réf 213 - Storing some Mute presets
This function was existing with VST at page #72 of the manual :
Mute the tracks you want to mute
Hold Shift+Alt+Control and hit one of the function keys F2 to F11
To recall a preset, hold Alt+Control and hit the keys F2 to F12
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Général-5563Voter pour

Réf 212 - A subscription rather than a purchase
Considering the regular updates, and the feeling to be had, why not proposing Cubase in renting, as it is possible with Samplitude ? Then, the interested users would always have the last update without a surprise (for example, an update for SX2 just before the release of SX3).
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Général-5520Voter pour

Réf 209 - Old Cubase VST's "T" column return
Reimplementing the "T" column we had in the old VST is urgent. This funcion allowed the user to modify the the master tempo of a song without modifying a track's length or tempo
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Midi-6658Voter pour

Réf 208 - Saving the whole VSTi rack window
Some veeeeeeeery cool stuff : the possibility to save the VSTi rack globally.
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VSTi-6885Voter pour

Réf 207 - Colors for the different stages of the undo history
Colorize undo history sections according to the editor used to make changes.
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Général-6437Voter pour

Réf 206 - "Freeze" automation for selected elements
A function cruely missing in most programs (except Pro Tools TDM !) is the possibility to "freeze" the status of a mixing configuration for the selected part of a song. for instance, we choose we want to freeze volumes (or pans, oe EQs, or plugins...) on N tracks and according to the selected range. This is capital for the first step of a mixing process.
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Automation-6651Voter pour

Réf 205 - More patchnames
Possibility to have more patchnames available than those already there.
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Midi-6483Voter pour

Réf 203 - Choosing how Quantize Presets are sorted
The quantize presets created in the "Quantize Set up" window are always displayed according to the moment they were created. It should be possible to choose how they're sorted or at least let us sort them alphabetically..
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Midi-6370Voter pour

Réf 202 - Naming MIDI control
It's impossible to give names to MIDI controlers. We adding a hardware instrument, it should be possible to name every controler, the way we do it with patches.
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Général-6469Voter pour

Réf 200 - Skins for Cubase SX
The possibility to modify the appearance of the Project window (the way it was in VST 5).
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Général-6641Voter pour

Réf 199 - Better handling of locking functions in the Inspector
1. Possibility to lock all items of the Inspector
2. Possibility to choose which items we want to lock (via a popup menu)
3. Possibility to lock selected lements only, a few notes or a few parts.
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Général-6369Voter pour

Réf 198 - Warning when modifying something in the Inpector
Having a warning message when the modifications of a parameter can affect another track routed to the same MIDI channel and output.
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Midi-6273Voter pour

Réf 197 - Warning before deleting an Event or a Part
Having an optional (Preferences) warning message giving at least the number of elements that are going to be deleted and their position.
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Général-6458Voter pour

Réf 196 - Text or icons on Parts
Possibility to display comments, lyrics or icons on Parts, starting from wherever we want and without any limitation in length. Possibility to choose the appearance of Parts individually.
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Général-6231Voter pour

Réf 195 - Sorting tracks by name, group, MIDI output, channel,.etc or personal criteria
When we have more than 50 tracks, it would be faster to organise them rather than putting them in folder tracks and changes in one's organisation would be easier. A simple click on a column's header would be enough. It would also be interesting if the user could enter the names of sorting criteria himself, in special fields (5, for instance). For example : name, instrument, input, VSTi...
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Général-6294Voter pour

Réf 194 - Importing of full video files with sound and images
In Vegas, Adobe Premiere and a lot of other audio/video programs, when you import a video, two tracks are generated : one for pictures and one for the sound. It would be nice if Cubase did the same. For the moment, the video track alone can be imported. It would also be nice if the pictures were bigger than the current maximum size.
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Autre-6309Voter pour

Réf 193 - More than 4 visible lines in the Logical Editor
Programming big macros in a small window displaying only 3 or 4 lines with scroll bars is impossible. All actions must be visualized. Same with the Input Transformer.
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Editeurs-6290Voter pour

Réf 192 - Volume Offset in the Inspector
In Cubase VST's inspector, there was a cursor which permitted to set the volume offset in order to balance the different volumes on each track. In SX 2, we only have a velocity setting. It would be interesting not to abandon this option.
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Général-6170Voter pour

Réf 191 - Order of instructions in the Logical Editor
In the Action window of the Logical Editor, each newly inserted line appears on top of the list, which is nonsense.
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Editeurs-6203Voter pour

Réf 190 - Possibility to choose the buttons displayed in the toolbar
Some buttons are very important and others are less. Give us the possibility to display them or not, one by one.
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Général-6218Voter pour

Réf 189 - Possibility to insert logical operators into editors
The input transformer allows one to implement logical operators which remain active from the beginning to the the end of a song. The possibility to insert start and end instructions within a song would be nice. Example : we program a preset and at measure 10.1.3, we insert an event [Start preset "Double up by one fourth"]. Then, at measure 20, we insert [End preset "Double up by one fourth"]...
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Editeurs-5995Voter pour

Réf 188 - Excel style MIDI macros in Visual Basic
Cubase could become a real tool for composing and arranging if there was the possibility to program macros in Visual Basic to allow, for instance, to apply a part's parameters onto another one.
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Général-6156Voter pour

Réf 186 - Automation Parts
Automation events should be organized in parts the way other events are. This would allow us to cut and paste them and to move them along with the rest of a track when editing a selection range.
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Automation-6138Voter pour

Réf 185 - Asterisk in the title bar of the project
With some programs, a small asterisk appears next to the title of the document when changes have been made to it. When working on several projects, it would be nice to have this kind of indicator in order to know where we are.
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Général-6103Voter pour

Réf 184 - Shortcut for "Release ASIO driver in Background"
It is for the moment impossible to assign a shortcut to this function. More generally, it would be nice if all the functions available in the "Device Setup" window could be assigned to shortcuts.
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Audio-6110Voter pour

Réf 183 - Automatic loading of a Rewire file
It would be nice if a project containing rewire tracks was saved with all rewire parameters along and if these parameters were loaded on opening the project. This way, we would load our Cubase Project and the corresponding Rewire Project would be automatically loaded within another application without the need to do it manually.
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Général-6157Voter pour

Réf 182 - 90-degree transport bar tilting
I noticed that hte transport bar is always horizontal (which is often bothering especially when you have lots of plugins loaded). The possibility to tilt it vertically would be ideal.
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Général-6242Voter pour

Réf 181 - MIDI filters for each MIDI input
Filters can be created globally or for each channel. Creating filters for each MIDI input should be made possible.
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Midi-6155Voter pour

Réf 180 - Possibility to play audio files when using the Clean-Up function
The clean-up function allows one to automatically erase unused files when they aren't referenced in any Cubase Project. It would be convenient to have a "Play File" button at disposal in order to listen to the (sometimes numerous) files listed there, in order to know exactly what we're going to erase.
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Général-6209Voter pour

Réf 179 - Having a restauration tool for the .cpr files
A checking of the integrity of the .cpr files structure and restauration tool. If possible, having also some information about the structure of a .cpr file.
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Général-6350Voter pour

Réf 177 - Synchronized selection of files/events between the Pool and the Project window
Any file/event which is selected in the Project window should be selected in the Pool and vice-versa, like it is already partly the case with the Project Browser.
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Général-6175Voter pour

Réf 176 - Possibility to cancel all the actions in an Editor
A useful function in Cubase VST was the choice of cancelling, when closing an editor with the [Esc] key, all what you've just changed. Now, you must open the offline history and find the elements to be removed.
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Editeurs-6214Voter pour

Réf 175 - Having the possibility to mute one of the automation points
To be able to mute one of the automation points, for example the Mute tool already available for the Containers and the Events. This will make it possible to ignore certain automation points without deleting them.
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Automation-6143Voter pour

Réf 174 - Optimizing the mouse wheel on certain values in the Inspector
Well, Feed, do you have a better title ? (Feed found it !). In the Inspector, for a Midi track for example, there are some parameters like the velocity compression which are displayed as fractions. Now, if the mouse wheel allows to vary the left number, it appears to be on another hand completely useless on the right one !
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Général-6233Voter pour

Réf 172 - Pool "à la" Pro Tools
Having the choice to integrate or not the Pool to the Project window a bit like with Pro Tools. This would be useful in order not to have to juggle with both Pool and Project window sizes. But still having the possibility to keep the current Pool, of course.
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Audio-6258Voter pour

Réf 169 - A function of Project diagnostics and description
A diagnostic and description in .txt mode of all the elements being in the Project, description of the system, CPU, display card, soundcard, RAM, etc, description of each track with the plug-ins, eq and VST-i used. Name and path of the files and samples used, etc. This would allow us to be given advice in case of a problem or when rebuilding a complex project that you didn't succeed in doing it again.
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Général-6418Voter pour

Réf 168 - Managing tools
Like in ACID, to be able to reorganize the order of the tools in the Toolbar as well as in the contextual menu.
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Général-6064Voter pour

Réf 167 - Saving a user Event Colors configuration
The "Event Colors Configuration" dialog box contains two icons showing a floppy disk. This type of icon usually being used for saving/loading, you are done because those two icons are used to define the default colors and to recall them. It would be better to be able to save this setting in a file as for the keyboard shortcuts, etc.
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Général-6157Voter pour

Réf 166 - Folder tracks Editing
Possibility to colorize and name the Containers of the Folder tracks
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Général-6119Voter pour

Réf 165 - No deletion of the Edit and Freeze files
When you use the Clean Up function of the File menu, this one compares the content of the project folder (as well as the subfolders) with the Pool and deletes all the unreferenced files in the Pool. Now, the files being in the Edit and Freeze folders aren't in the Pool, then they are deleted when using the function ! To be fixed !
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Audio-6292Voter pour

Réf 164 - RAM use in the "VST Performance" bar
A third bargraph dedicated to the RAM use would be useful. It could also appear in miniature into the transport bar and the toolbar like it is already the case for the CPU and Disk performance bar.
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Général-6312Voter pour

Réf 163 - Readiness of the Marker track
Improving the readiness of the Marker track (attributes, fonts, etc), avoiding the superimposition of normal markers and cycle markers.
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Général-6613Voter pour

Réf 161 - Having a function like Pro Tools' Sound Replacer
It would be very useful, from an audio kick for example, to replace the sound by another one.
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Audio-6117Voter pour

Réf 160 - Sharing the preferences between users on the same computer
When installing, you should have the choice to have preferences by user or in common.
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Général-5867Voter pour

Réf 159 - Reintroducing the "Midi Stop Event" in SX
With CUBASE VST 5.x, in the List Editor, it is possible to insert everywhere, but especially at the end of the Song, from the "Standard Event" submenu, a "Stop Event" which stops automatically the playback at the desired point.
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Midi-6154Voter pour

Réf 158 - Using one or several external editors
To be able to deactivate the unlimited undo in order to define several external editors like Wavelab and Melodyne. The dream, boys !
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Audio-6130Voter pour

Réf 157 - Attributing some different colors to the lines of the Undo History
This would create some fully colored areas which would give a better spot.
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Général-6072Voter pour

Réf 156 - Numbered lines in the Undo History
In order to better spot yourself...
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Général-6086Voter pour

Réf 154 - Activate with shortcuts several tracks in recording mode
To be able to link tracks groups with shortcuts (for example ALT+F1, group 1, ALT+F2, group 2, etc.) and then to be able to activate the recording mode for this group with the shortcut. This would enable to quickly record. (see GigaStudio)
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Général-6155Voter pour

Réf 152 - "E" point at the end of an Audio file
We have a "Q" point at the beginning of Audio files. A similar point placed at the end of the file would enable to time-stretch Events easier and quicker. We could then set the end of the audio Clip by pulling the right bottom handle with the Time Stretch tool, the "E" point would be the wedge point
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Audio-6119Voter pour

Réf 151 - Fade In/Out/Volume curves on Midi event
The audio events have an internal curve which manages the general voume (independent from the automation), the Fade In and Out. It would be great to have the same function for the Midi Events
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Midi-6013Voter pour

Réf 150 - Midi Thru per track
To be able to set the Midi Thru for each track to avoid MIDI data loops when we play on a synth to program a track assigned to a sound of this synth. To be able to turn Midi Thru off for a specific track would end the problem for devices which don't have LOCAL setting
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Midi-6071Voter pour

Réf 149 - To be able to insert markers to create loops or/and regions in the audio editor
Easier and quicker to work inside a sample than to have to limit zones with the mouse
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Audio-6190Voter pour

Réf 146 - Accessing tools via right-click
In the Project window, it would be nice to access sub-tools for Select, Pencil and Scrubing just by right clicking
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Général-6166Voter pour

Réf 144 - Saving personal settings inside the USB dongle
Would it be possible for Steinberg to create a dongle with a memory allowing to store all user preferences and shortcuts ? It would be very handy for those working on several machines or just when reinstalling. We'd just have to plug the key in and roll ! We would go back to our usual environment
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Général-6109Voter pour

Réf 143 - Managing Events on the OS Desktop
VST 5 brought us a nice new feature : it was possible to drag and drop any MIDI or Audio part on the desktop (or any other file). Having this in SX would be nice
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Général-6017Voter pour

Réf 141 - Snap-Shot function for the mixer
In order to compare a mix to another, it would be nice if we could take a "photograph" of the mixer at a precise moment and store the parameters in, let's say, 8 patches. They would be recalled just by clicking on them !
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Mixage-6265Voter pour

Réf 140 - Being able to open several projects in one go
Unlimited Undo/Redo is very nice, but a "must-have" would be keeping the edit history once the project has been closed, so that you can go back from session to session
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Général-6105Voter pour

Réf 139 - Being able to open several projects in one go
It is indeed possible to open several projects, but, each time, you have to use the open menu. It would be nice if we could select several projects in one go in the open dialog box
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Général-5992Voter pour

Réf 138 - Logical Edit : having the same note-length format as in other editors
In all the editors, note lengths are expressed in bars/beats/semiquavers/tics. In the Logical Editor, when you choose to filter Notes AND lengths, the displayed format is "0.0000" or "0". The usual format is systematically refused and replaced. It would be better if this format was standardized in the Logical Editor
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Editeurs-5971Voter pour

Réf 137 - Patchname Scripts Exportation
Exportation of new Patchnames directly in text format without including them into a .xml file allowing to set up MIDI devices. This would make working with VST users more convenient
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Midi-6117Voter pour

Réf 135 - .grv files compatibility within SX
Cubase VST had groove files but not SX, why ?
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Midi-6075Voter pour

Réf 134 - "Post-Automation" Fader
After you have cautiously set your automation curves, when you realize that the overall level for one or more tracks is not right, the only two ways you change that without touching your curves is either selecting the whole curve to move it up or down (not very convenient) or routing each track to as many group channels as needed (not handy either). The best would be to have a mini-fader (-64/+64, for instance) for each automation sub-track
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Automation-6058Voter pour

Réf 132 - Vu-meter and Peak-meter Simultaneous view
That would be cool to be able to view on two bridges at the same time on a track a Peak and a View level. As on an SSL, in order to be able to measure out the compression during a recording. That would be great !
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Mixage-6062Voter pour

Réf 129 - Free handling of some symbols
As far as symbols available in the palettes are concerned, some of them could be freely handled with hafts, as the lines of the Global Symbols palette, for example: being able to stretch them, to shorten them, to orientate them, in order to be more free concerning the part presentation.
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Score-6077Voter pour

Réf 128 - Best implementation of NRPN
Having the possibility of writing NRPN automation curves as if they were simple MIDI controllers. And, as a consequence, the recording of button movements on a synth which only sends NRPN would be detected as they are, not as the succession of 3 controllers (number 98 and 99 for the parameter, number 6 for the value). See the NRPN automation in Sonar...
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Midi-6043Voter pour

Réf 126 - Assigning colours on linked faders
That would be good to be able to assign a different colour to each linked faders groups in the mixing board (as in Sonar).
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Mixage-6256Voter pour

Réf 125 - Copying one or several tracks only with the mouse as in VST
With VST, we could copy one or several tracks by maintaining the left and right buttons of the mouse (the equivalent of Alt + move). This tip has been suppressed in SX, would it be possible to put it back ?
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Général-6166Voter pour

Réf 124 - Cubase windows on the desktop
There wouldn't be the "big" window (the one which contains all the others) anymore. That would be the desktop, and the different windows which we would open could be located as the Score palettes.
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Général-6260Voter pour

Réf 122 - Selective MIDI export
Impossible to export one or two MIDI tracks of a Project without exporting ALL, whereas it was possible in VST. To be restored...
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Midi-6188Voter pour

Réf 121 - Mute button for MIDI
In VST, we had a "MIDI Mute" button in the left of the mixing board. Couldn't we find it again in SX ?
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Midi-6115Voter pour

Réf 120 - Personal configuration general backup
Ceedjay explained us how to Save SX settings. Would'nt it be possible to have a single function which would allow to do this directly ?
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Général-6150Voter pour

Réf 118 - General reset in SX
To have a general reset for MIDI and Audio as in VST, easily accessible, and to be able to assign it a shortcut.
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Général-6147Voter pour

Réf 115 - More shapes in the Envelope Editor
In the Envelope Editor, you can only choose sine or triangle to draw curves. It would be useful to have the same options as for the Pencil in the Project window.
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Audio-6083Voter pour

Réf 114 - context menu for parabolic automation curves
The "Parabolic Curve" tool is nice, but if there were a menu allowing to choose the precise shape of it, it would be better. For instance, there could be a context menu appearing when right-clicking on the concerned curve
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Automation-6210Voter pour

Réf 111 - Audio export of separated tracks
Having two buttons at disposal in the toolbar for Undo and Redo.
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Général-6183Voter pour

Réf 110 - Audio export of separated tracks
In the "Export" window, having a box to check, such as "Separate each track", allowing you not to have to export tracks one after the other. That would be handy, especially when tranfering a whole project from a platform to another one.
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Audio-6223Voter pour

Réf 109 - Matching Drum maps with patchnames
When you select a drumkit with the help of your sound-module's patchname, you have to select the corresponding Drum map. It would be nice if the Drum map could change according to the selected kit in the patchname.
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Midi-6090Voter pour

Réf 106 - Hiding muted tracks in the mixer
Within the mixer's "View" menu, add a "Muted Tracks" option in order to display or hide them the way you want.
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Général-6141Voter pour

Réf 104 - Being able to choose with the ALT + CTRL combination the events to move in a container
The ALT + CTRL combination enables to move the events in a container, directly in the project window, without having to use the Containers Editor. All the events are concerned by this move. It would be judicious to be able to select the events to move
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Général-6161Voter pour

Réf 103 - Possibility to print existing keyboard shortcuts
It would be handy to add a "Print list" button inside the keyboard shortcuts' "List" dialog (File menu). This would enable us to have an eye at them at any moment and it would also make programming them easier
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Général-6242Voter pour

Réf 102 - Score and chords transposing
If you want to transpose a score from C to Eb, for instance, for an alto saxophone, SX will correctly transpose the score, but not the chord numbers located above the staff. VST used to do that very efficiently. Is it possible to find this feature in SX ?
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Score-6119Voter pour

Réf 101 - Better management of the mouse scroll-wheel
The scroll-wheel is regognized in SX. That?s fine, but it would be even better if it were possible to handle zooming just by holding down the ?Control? key, for instance, and then scrolling with the mouse.
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Général-6031Voter pour

Réf 100 - Customizable ruler
Allowing to resize the height of the ruler display, because it?s far too narrow
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Général-6109Voter pour

Réf 97 - Being able to replace an audio file by another
Being able to replace an audio file within the library so that it is replaced in all the containers of the project window
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Audio-6177Voter pour

Réf 94 - Mute function for ReWire
A supplementary button would be welcome in order to mute ReWire.
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Audio-6063Voter pour

Réf 92 - Midi Remapper
The possibility to have a Midi Input Transformer which could map the 128 Midi controllers to 128 another controllers. With possibility to save the remapping banks.
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Midi-6154Voter pour

Réf 91 - Plug-in automation by Midi Control Change
The possibility to assign a Control Change for each automation track. Imagine the pitch-bend of your Midi keyboard to make some filter opening variations, and then on an other track, with the modulation wheel, you could make the resonance varying...
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Plug-in-6113Voter pour

Réf 90 - Reading of repeat bars and repeat signs
The only way to be sure that the Score is in accordance with the desired structure, is the reading of repeat bars, repeat signs, da capo, coda, ... by the sequencer.
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Score-6344Voter pour

Réf 85 - Change Patches from outboard synths
When you change a Patch using the knob on an outboard synth, Cubase should recognise the Program Change message and change the Patch in the track inspector
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Midi-6221Voter pour

Réf 83 - The ability to organise DirectX plug-ins like in Wavelab
WaveLab has a plug-ins organiser. Here you can make folders and put plug-ins in them, whether they are VST or DirectX, it doesn't matter. In Cubase, you can only make folders for the VST plugins
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Plug-in-6405Voter pour

Réf 79 - To be able to send a score by e-mail
When we print or save a score, it would be interesting to be able to save in an "e-mailable" format for a send to a friend, a musician, or to the SACEM, because one could bet that it would be soon possible to make a deposit of a song by e-mail
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Score-6501Voter pour

Réf 78 - Choosing the place of the Eq
We should be able to choose if the Eq is before or after the chain of insert. A button of volume in input and / or output should be able to adjust the level too
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Plug-in-6335Voter pour

Réf 73 - Display of the numbers of measures of the Markers Parts
In the Arrange window, when we click on "Markers", it would be kind to have the number of measures on a side, into round brackets
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Général-6391Voter pour

Réf 71 - To be able to mute audio tracks in the Audio Editor
When we work in the Audio Editor, when the function "By output" is selected, it would be kind to have the possibility to mute each audio track, without going back to the Arrange window or without being obliged to mute each segment one after one, during an Audio setting a little complex, for example. Maybe to be able to mute by clicking on the tracks numbers at the left of the window ?
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Editeurs-6397Voter pour

Réf 68 - Highlight the selected Fader Bank in the Mixer
For a better overview it would be fine if the currently selected Fader Bank for remote controlling the Mixer would be somehow highlighted
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Midi-6469Voter pour

Réf 67 - User defineable Fader Banks for Midi-Remote Controllers
Switching between the Fader Banks with a controller like the Tascam US-428 would be much faster if any not used banks can be left out
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Midi-6614Voter pour

Réf 60 - NotePad
Could it be possible to have a much evoluted writing-pad ? Sizable, with possibility to put the text in bold, underlined, etc...
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Autre-6578Voter pour

Réf 58 - Option "Apply to all tracks" for the functions "Insert..." and "Cut at the locators"
When we want to insert or delete measures, it doesn't work on muted tracks. Now, it appears often that these tracks are just temporarily muted (witness tracks, etc.). So, we must "demute" them before applying the function "Insert / Cut at the locators", then mute them again, after well memorised what were those tracks... An option "Apply to all tracks" should be welcome
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Général-6728Voter pour

Réf 56 - Managing multiple Audio drivers
A management of several sorts of Audio drivers should make it possible to use several soundcards
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Audio-7139Voter pour

Réf 55 - "Full screen" display mode
A keyboard shortcut that make it possible to switch the main window of Cubase in full screen (as it is in Photoshop) by hiding the title bar and the taskbar
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Général-6860Voter pour

Réf 53 - Link to the Espace Cubase VST !
Add a direct link to the website Espace Cubase VST in the Help menu !
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Général-7548Voter pour

Réf 50 - Start Midi recording
We would like to see Cubase be able to record midi in only when we touch a key on your midi-controller. I.E. The metronome is playing but nothing is being recorded until you touch a midi key
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Midi-6815Voter pour

Réf 49 - Multiple MIDI Controller Maps
Multiple MIDI Controller Maps. One for each Midi Track where you could assign different controller setups on each track for tweaking VST Instruments. Similar to the global MIDI setup matrix, but seperate for each MIDI track
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Midi-6590Voter pour

Réf 48 - MIDI effects and MIDI arpegiator modules
Make the commands less cryptic (more musical) so one does not have to reach for the manual and can work much faster. Example: delay by an eight note. Example: decrease velocity of echo by x%. Etc. These are very easy to implement, they're basically text change in the code
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Midi-6566Voter pour

Réf 44 - Classification of tracks in a folder
Possibility to classify tracks in a folder, for example by name, by colour, etc...
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Général-6555Voter pour

Réf 42 - Mute function for VSTi
When we click on the button "Midi" on the mixing-board, we mute also the VSTi tracks. A supplementary button would be welcome in order to mute on our choice, Midi or VSTi
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Midi-6659Voter pour

Réf 40 - Take in care of all the buses when Export Audio
It would be funny that, when we export audio tracks, that all master buses are taken in care. Actually, only the first bus is so
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Audio-6558Voter pour

Réf 37 - A main volume on Folder Tracks
It would be kind to be able to manage a main volume on certain Midi tracks, like a subgroup. As the mute function of a folder track, we could act on the volume of several MIDI tracks at the same time, useful for strings or horns
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Midi-6711Voter pour

Réf 27 - LTB Activity
Having a little indicator in Cubase showing and recognizing if LTB is active.
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Général-6790Voter pour

Réf 26 - A intelligent "page mode"
The mode "page" should be able to recognise scales, and even the whole parts when they are the exact copies of preceding scales or parts, and to display the references and other repeat marks on an automatic manner.
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Score-6798Voter pour

Réf 23 - Several points of Punch in / Punch out
It would be nice to get several points of punch in/out, which would make it possible to say to Cubase: record from there to there, and afterwards from there to there etc.
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Général-7147Voter pour

Réf 20 - Folder of reception with Create File
The function "Create File' should be safeguarded systematically and by default in the song where you work. That would prevent files (mixdown, mix reason, mix VSTi) from going in another folder inadvertently.
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Audio-6767Voter pour

Réf 19 - Integration of the windows in a task bar
Put the opened windows in a tasks bar (see the Windows one) to reach it quicklier.
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Général-7118Voter pour

Réf 18 - Names of tracks
When you write a " glissendo " in part of Harp, often this one starts from the low stave and arrives at the high stave. For that you use the tool " Line " included in the pallet of symbols " Lines and Trills ", " to link " the lowest note to the highest note, the others being masked (you hear them without seeing them). That said, in automatic formatting, the line " being attached " to one or the other of the staves, the two staves of Harp take a spacing too much important, you must correct after. It would be interesting to create automatically a graphic tool which link two notes by a line, this one "being regulated" with the notes, such as the links of phrasing. That would be useful for slipped of trombone, violin, etc...
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Score-6873Voter pour

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Maybe do you dream of a new function in Cubase ? By following the "Contact" link at the top of this page, you can add your request to this page, for little that it is reasonable. With a little chance, it will allure many other Cubase users and Steinberg will establish it in a forthcoming version !

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