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Hunting for the good URLs is the favorite sport of most web surfers ! Every day, our mailing lists offer some. The little directory below doesn’t in any way claim to be exhaustive. It just lists day after day some nice spots that the members of the mailing lists came across. Enjoy !

Cubase links

All Steinberg product updates
Here's THE page you should keep your mouse on. It offers a complete table of all Steinberg products with the latest available updates, with direct links to the FTP server.

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French-speaking online magazine, a community of musicians and sound engineers. News, reviews, online personal compositions, classified ads and very active message boards add themselves to weekly reviews and articles. On top of that, a "buyers" section allows you to compare the price lists of over 15 music shops. Probably one of the most active French sites...

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CakeWalk Users WebSite
An ECVST-like website, but this one is about CakeWalk, and is just newly born (Jan 26, 2001)! Links, news, mailing lists, download... We wish it the best of luck ;o)

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Composing - Recording - Mastering Audio and Video
With such a title, you can't miss it. Quite a pro site, links, news, plug-ins, interviews, forums of which one is devoted to Cubase, though a less active one than our MLs... ;op

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Cosmical Cubase
Do you know SETI ? It is a rather delirious project aiming to detect a possible extra-terrestrial presence through analyzing the sound frequencies coming out from cosmos. To do this, SETI needs eveybody's help, and above all, your computers' power, when you're not using them. ECVST has its own little "Cubasian" club to which we are inviting you.

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Cu Tips Cubase Tips
Only one page, with some news, tips and tricks, links, plug-ins...

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Cubase Webring
A webring is a banner-system allowing sites with the same subject to create links between them. On the Cubase-webring site you'll be able to list all the participating sites.

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Another English-speaking site which doesn't really keep its word...A bit of information, a few links....

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THE reference English-speaking site. News, lessons, interviews....And above all, a very big forum moderated by people from Steinberg themselves. Surely the site to visit everyday to keep up with the news.

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Espace Cubase
Yeah we know, it's a silly link, but we couldn't help doing it !

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Jacques Kolly's Midi Site
This site is mostly famous for its page on Mixermaps. There, everything's detailed, digged into and explained. A French site with an English version.

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A school located in Montreal which deals essentially with Computer Aided Music. The main sequencer program they use is Cubase VST 24. They train sound creators, with a multimedia course, trainings in analog and digital recording studios, etc...

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Here the official site of the last born in the Steinberg family : Nuendo. This site is equivalent to Steinberg International but is fully dedicated to Nuendo. Information, updates, forums, support. A very nice site.

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Reason Station
A site entirely dedicated to Reason. Forums, lessons, sound-banks, and even tunes made with Reason that you can listen to. Roughly, indispensable if you're a Reason user.

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SDS Music - Steinberg Switzerland
The site of the local distributor, who doesn't sell Steinberg products only, though......In German.

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The free musicians resource. This site offers support to songwriters and musicians by providing information about creative, technical and business issues in the music arena

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Sonic Spot
A site offering some news, very few, but on the other hand, you can find here mini-articles about every type of software dealing more or less with audio, mp3 guides, audio, MIDI, synthesis, varied forums. Really complete !

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Sound Designers
A website gathering sound-to-image enthusiasts (recording, sound editing, sound designing, writing, mixing, etc.), for movies, videos, radios and multimedia productions, among others. News, message boards, chatrooms, etc., in brief, everything you need to create a community of sound architects.

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Steinberg FTP
You can stop searching, everything you need is here !!! Demo versions, updates, mixer-maps, studio-modules, everything's there. You should carefully bookmark this URL !

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Steinberg International
Certainly one of the unavoidable sites. Everything's there : information, demos, freeware plug-ins, support, all products, etc.... A very well-made site, pleasant to visit.

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