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Cubase SX from 1.0 to 1.06

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As I'm a courageous guy and that I know that you are too tired to read the Version History files, I'm in charge to join together here all the changes appeared in Cubase SX from version 1.00 to version 1.05. I kept only the innovations by making the dead end on the innumerable corrections of bugs.

They are only extracts of the Version History file. The remarks are thus signed Steinberg.

This page will also allow us to ensure the follow-up of the VST Laboratory n order to see whether we were listened or not ! From now on, I will update it at each "Release"...

Cubase SX 1.01

Proposes only the correction of the 1.00 version first bugs ;op

Cubase SX 1.02

Channel sets can be organized in Mixer View Presets.

See the popup on lower edge of mixer control strip - here you can add and remove your choice of visible channels.

Two Mixers are now available for use with different Mixer Views. Simply select from the two menu options are now available on the devices menu.

Any unused or unwanted MIDI port can be marked as not shown in the device setup panel and then it will not be shown in any MIDI Port input/output popup.

SMPTE sub-frames can be added to the Timecode displays. There is a switch for this in Preferences/Transport.

Organize Zoom presets - Now the Zoom presets on the Project window's horizontal scaler has a new "organize" option. This allows the Zooms to be rename and deleted.

Related to the above: The CYCLE sets (part of the Marker track) appear on this list - once clicked the screen is automatically zoomed & positioned to this cycle range.

If Cycle Markers (as appear on a marker track) are double-clicked with held, the project window is zoomed and positioned to just this range.

Houston :

  • Now displays MIDI and Audio channels, just as seen on the screen
  • The new Mixer View Presets can be switched via Houston (Sets+number pad)
  • Houston can 'flip faders' where the functionality of the rotary encoders and faders can be swapped (press - shift + motors). This is great for 'touch fader' automation of other parameters)
  • Shift & Edit - closes a window
  • Shift & Save - creates a (incremental) backup
  • Shift & Undo - opens the edit history
  • There isalso a new MIDI only bank added to the popup.

Cubase SX 1.03

Support for Mackie Control (initially the main unit only)

Spanish localisation included

German online help file included

Cubase SX 1.05

VST Link Self Test function.

Minimum Cycle length is now 200 ms (was: 500 ms).

Keycommands for vertical Zooming.

Keycommands for selecting Cycle Markers.

Timestretch quality options simplified: MPEX, Timebandit, Timebandit Drum.

MIDI Tracks don't send MIDI Volume 100 anymore by default.

VST Input monitoring status is now stored in project.

TrueTape ON / OFF status is now stored.

FF / REW ("+" / "-") buttons on keypad now works as long as the button is held.

Cubase SX 1.06

Only many (72 !) bugs fixed...

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Pascal VALENTIN, on the 20-11-2002

Page viewed 10766 times