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Jérôme Schmitt's plugos

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While Jérôme Schmitt finds some time to write up this introducing page himself, we offer you to download some of his plug-ins. A 3-band equaliser and a compressor in a same ZIP file and a 6-band equaliser in another one ! Download them, test them, and don't hesitate to give your opinion about this work. These are freeware. For the moment ;O) In the ZIP file, you will find a text file in wich Jérôme introduces himself and his plugos (sorry guys, only in French, that'll stand for all those times where we only get user's manuals in English ;-).

We remind you that to install a plug-in on a PC, you just need to copy the DLL files in the folder Program Files, Steinberg, Cubase, VST plugins.

Downloading the JS1 Pack compressor + 3-bands equaliser by Jérôme Schmitt.

Downloading the 6-bands equaliser JSEQ6 by Jérôme Schmitt.

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Ze Team, on the 27-04-1998

Page viewed 12464 times