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On this page, you'll find shipping announcements and new plug-ins tests. An example ? Magneto. Not really new, it seems to seduce all those who put a hand on it. Gilles Blais translated an article of Mikhail Graham published in Electronic Musician. The article on Magneto.

We'll also try to make you discover some developers. For instance, Vincent BUREL, developer of plug-ins for VST and DirectX., whom we interviewed..

News !

End of support for legacy products
Jérôme, le 07-11-2008

In order to focus their ressources on their most recent products, Steinberg are dropping support for a few.......outdated products ;o)

Then, end of support for the following products : Cubase VST 5.1x, Cubase VST 32 5.1x, Cubase VST Score 5.1x, Waldorf Attack, D´Cota, Model-E, Waldorf PPG Wave, Waldorf D-Pole, Mastering Edition, Steinberg Surround Edition, TC Surround Verb, VoiceMachine and Warp. Pertaining OS's, end of support for Mac OS 9.22 and Windows 98SE / ME.

New Funkmasters EZX for EZDrummer
Jérôme, le 07-11-2008

Toontrack have just announced the forthcoming release of a new soundbank for EZDrummer. This new EZX is Funk and Hip-Hop oriented and features special effects such as record scratches made with the help of Izotope's Vinyl and also dedicated reverbs.

Its name : Funkmasters. The sounds and MIDI loops have been played by the two gods of funk drumming : Clyde Stubblefield and John Starks (nicknamed Jab'o), the two drummers who took part to the rise and glory of the Godfather of Funk, the Late Mister James Brown !

Enjoy !

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KR-Reverb FS R1.1.0
Daino, le 23-06-2008

KResearch offer a free version their commercial reverb KR-Space :
  • Adjustable Early Reflections Size
  • Adjustable Late reflections size
  • Adjustable Diffusion control
  • Adjustable Decay control
  • Adjustable Listener position control
  • Dry/Wet Mix adjustment.
  • Host Sampling Frequency up to 96KHz
  • For Microsoft Windows OS (VST), Mac OS X (AU UB,VST MAC)
  • Support for User definable presets (Save & Load) via Host interface.

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ReValver MKIII
Daino, le 23-06-2008

Peavey present ReValver MKIII, an amp modeling software :
  • 15 amp models, including Peavey 6505, JSX, Classic, ValveKing and Triple XXX
  • Modules in amp head, preamp and power amp formats
  • Two operation modes, with 64-bit and oversampling in HQ mode for hi-fi fanatics
  • FFT based convolution reverb, including sampled spring reverb and various effects
  • More than 150 speaker samples using real-time convolution and membrane modeling
  • Etc.
Peavey announce the price of 299 $ on their site.

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Daino, le 23-06-2008

Voxengo released this month :
  • Voxengo VariSaturator 1.3 : various minor fixes, some improvements, virtual keyboard...
  • Voxengo Crunchessor 2.2 : same thing
  • A new delay, Voxengo Sound Delay 1.0 : in free download.

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The end of a whole series of plugins
Jérôme, le 05-01-2008

As a consequence of Wizoo GmBh having been acquired by Digidesign recently, Steinberg have just announced that the following products will therefore officially become "legacy" products and will not receive any more development (no more updates or new features).

Virtual Bassist
Virtual Guitarist 2
Hypersonic 2
The Grand 2
Users who bought those products will benefit crossgrades and special offers on upgrades when Steinberg release similar products in the future.

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Toontrack Solo
Daino, le 03-10-2007

Toontrack announces the next release of Toontrack Solo, a host application for Toontrack Music samplers providing stand alone operation. Their VSTis were usable till now as plugins only.
  • Stand alone operation of Toontrack samplers
  • Optimized for real-time, low latency operation
  • Full ASIO/Core Audio/Core MIDI support
  • Routable mixer with support for up to 16 physical OUT
  • Each instance can be assigned a discrete MIDI channel
  • Support for specialist MIDI controllers.
Toontrack Solo will be released as a free download before the end of october 2007 to all registered users of EZ and Superior Drummer samplers.

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Kontakt 3 & co
Daino, le 14-09-2007

Native Instruments announces the coming release of Kontakt3 : 33 GB sound library, Universal Import of virtually any sound format, reworked Wave Editor, more than 18 effects, etc.

NI proposes as well Komplete 5, Komplete Synths and Komplete Classics, and Guitar Rig 3 too.

All those plugins will be available in October.

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Tchakpoum Maha kit
Daino, le 31-08-2007

Our generous member and drummer Vincent Sermonne proposes since a long time now in free download from his website some soundbanks and VST-i patches realized from his own drums - drums he sampled himself.

He has just put online a new soundbank from a 1985's Yamaha 9000 : the "TchackMaha kit".
It is about a Battery 2 kit, Kontakt and Intakt compatible. He's introducing his own new soundbank (great, now I can look for a drink ;o) :

"The kit contains 513 samples, 255 MB [...]. Similarly to the previous soundbank, it is not a "ready-at-use" Battery kit, I insist on keeping the harmonics which most asked people hasten to take out, it is made in order to be as a real studio soundtake as possible. It was fully recorded and edited with Cubase SX without any processing, except a normalization at 0dB and some noise reduction for the small normalized velocities. It was recorded with good mikes (Sennheiser, Shure, Neumann, AKG and Octava) in my own 20 m2 studio fully sound-proofed, an E-Mu 1616m soundcard and my laptop, my arms for the takes and my big fingers for the editing."

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EZDrummer v 1.1.0
Jérôme, le 07-06-2007

Toontrack have just announced the immediate availability of EZDrummer version 1.1.0.

Besides the fixing of a few bugs, registered users will benefit from brand new functionalities (new playing position pointers, possibility to save mixer presets...). This important update will be required if you are planning to use the forthcoming Nashville, Twisted and Claustrophobic EZX:s.

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The Claustrophobic and Twisted Kit EZXs
Daino, le 30-05-2007

Toontrack announces the coming release of 2 additional modules for his drum VST-i, EZdrummer :
  • Claustrophobic : a kit for RnB, Hip Hop and Pop productions
  • Twisted Kit : the percussive kit by Michael Blair (Tom Waits, Elvis Costello, Lou Reed...)
Those 2 expansions would be available in July 2007.

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Two new EZXs from Toontrack
Jérôme, le 25-05-2007

And two more coming !

Toontrack are carrying on releasing new EZDrummer expansion kits. After the brilliant DrumKit From Hell, Latin Percussions and Vintage Drums (available since October 2006) and the soon forthcoming Nashville EZX (announced for mid-May), here come the Claustrophobic and Twisted kits.

The first one is RnB, Hip Hop and Pop oriented. Its name comes from the room in which it was recorded : a really tiny room. Produced in collaboration with Sontronics microphones (hell steinberg France, the brand distributor for France !) and Evans drumheads.

The second one is Pop, Rock and Industrial oriented as well as other styles and it was created in collaboration with Michael Blair who played the drums for Tom Waits (among others) on the album Rain Dogs and for Elvis Costello on the album Spike. The main characteristics of this kit are that it is composed of old pans and trashcans or bicycle parts mixed with classic drum elements and rototoms. Everything to get a crazy thing !

At last, the big new feature is that those kits will give users the possibility to add effects on top of the dry samples and to mix them inside EZDrummer thanks to its internal mixer. In order to do that, you'll have to get the forthcoming 1.1 update for EZDrummer.

Seems we'll get everything we need to create really personal drum parts !

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VG 2 and Hypersonic 2 updates
Daino, le 22-05-2007

Steinberg had released free updates of Virtual Guitarist 2 and Hypersonic 2 in download, mainly for Mac users : some minor bugs enhancements and improvement of the integration of Midi controllers...

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A new EZX for Toontrack EZDrummer
Jérôme, le 02-03-2007

Toontrack are forging ahead, announcing the forthcoming availability (end of April) of a new expansion bank for EZDrummer, totaly dedicated to Country music and Texan rock.

Its name : Nashville EZX. Some very good sound to be expected, considering the appealing specs and the high quality of the three other EZXs already available.

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ToonTrack EZPlayer Free
Jérôme, le 20-01-2007

ToonTrack are announcing the forthcoming availability of EZPlayer Free for all registered or registering users of ToonTrack products.
br> This free version demoes/introduces EZPlayer "full" which will be available later in Spring. It is a browser/player dedicated to MIDI drumloops and it will act as a bridge between your loops and your drum-sampler allowing you to preview and then drag and drop these loops into your sequencer's project, in the exact same way as EZDrummer's browser acts. At the moment, EZPlayer free is compatible with all ToonTrack products, BFD and all GM-compatible drum-samplers.

This tool will most probably prove itself to be very handy for DFHS users who will now have a browser like EZDrummer users. A good way to save time.

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Happy new year !
Daino, le 01-01-2007

Espace Cubase wishes to all members and visitors of the site a very nice and happy year 2007, may it be full of Projects and bug safe.
Hope that you aren't now in the same condition as its moderator team after this New Year's Eve... Some kind of "dish-clothes", lol ! ;oD

Poap and glass noises at VSL
Daino, le 29-11-2006

Vienna Symphonic's guys propose two new sound librairies :
  • Saxophones : Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bariton and Bass saxophone sounds.
  • Elements : a collection of glass-type instruments such as bottles, glass bell, Verrophone, Lithophone...
Those librairies are released in VST, AU and stand-alone formats .

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Updates for HALion
Daino, le 29-11-2006

There are some new updates at Steinberg for HALion 3, HALion Player Retail & OEM and HALion String Edition 2.

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New toys by NI
Daino, le 17-10-2006

As announced one month ago, Native Instruments has just released Komplete 4, Massive, FM8, Battery 3 and Absynth 4.
More infos and prices on their site...

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Liquid Bundle changed its skin
Daino, le 09-10-2006

Nomad Factory realised a new design for his Liquid Bundle, with Liquid Bundle II which also contains several plugins such as Compressor, Delay, Gate, Modulation (chorus, Flanger), Phaser, Reverb.
Up to 192 kHz, released in VST, RTAS et AU formats.
It is sold as a download product only : 187$ on the site or 49$ if you are already a registered user of Liquid Bundle 1x.
There is also an update 2.1 to download.

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Melodyne 3.1.2
Daino, le 05-10-2006

The update 3.1.2 of Melodyne is available on Celemony's site. Some bug fixes...

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Daino, le 05-10-2006

Tascam releases GVI, Giga Virtual Instrument. That is to say GigaStudio 3 in VSTi version !
The virtual sampler is in VST and RTAS format, up to 24 bits/96 kHz. Sold at $399 on Tascam's site, it is released with its soundbank from SONiVOX, Best Service, Bigga Giggas and Larry Seyer.

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GigaStudio 3.20
Daino, le 03-10-2006

Tascam proposes the patch 3.20 to update your GigaStudio :
  • Improved efficiency with 24-bit instruments
  • Export mapped instruments to text function, so that you can drop them into a DAW for bank/patch assignments
  • The QuickSound database has been enhanced for stability
  • MIDI and MIDI handling has been improved
  • Correction of various bugs, etc.
This patch concerns GigaStudio LE, Solo, Ensemble and Orchestra.

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Auto-Tune 5
Daino, le 29-09-2006

Antares announces the upcoming Auto-Tune 5, a new version of his pitch correction plugin.
  • Improved pitch detection algorithm to make it possible to work with lower quality Audio files
  • New interface for a more intuitive handling
  • Consolidated Pitch Tracking control for better simplicity
  • "Humanize" function
  • Realtime natural vibrato control
  • Etc.
Auto-Tune 5 will be available for Mac and PC, authorization via iLok USB smartkey.

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About VST3 in Cubase 4...
Daino, le 27-09-2006

The new Steinberg's protocole VST3 appeared with the last Cubase 4 and Cubase Studio 4 which just have been released.
  • Improved management of the CPU bor better performance : the plugins are active only when they receive an input signal.
  • Multiple dynamic inputs / outputs : depending of their type and design, the VST3 plugins are no longer limited in I/O, each Audio channel being processed independentely. Even basic VST3 plugins would be then surround capable and offer a dedicated MIDI event bus for control / modulation (no need to use the standard MIDI).
  • Possibility to activate / deactivate the unused busses of VSTis with multiple outputs such as virtual samplers, in order to clean up the mixer and to reduce CPU load.
  • Extended routing possibilities : a VST3 plugin can directely receive an Audio signal in input in order to control the effect or can be connected to several MIDI inputs.
Even if they wouldn't have all the features of VST3 plugins, the "old" VST2 plugins can have benefit from VST3 preset handling. The correct functionnality of older VST1 plugins VST1 is however not warranted anymore...

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Reopening time according to NI
Daino, le 19-09-2006

Native Instruments announces for October the release of 5 new products :
  • KOMPLETE 4 : a type of multi-function tool for the musician with 12 instruments (by NI, of course), that is to say several keys / synths, samplers, effects and a guitar amp simulator.
  • MASSIVE : a new synth for a... massive sound ? Stay tuned.
  • FM8 : the successor of FM7, arf, arf (that was easy !).
  • ABSYNTH 4 : the successor of Absynth 3 with 1,200 presets, an improved interface and more.
  • BATTERY 3 : the successor of Battery 2 with many improvements and 12 GB of sounds.
  • AUDIO KONTROL 1 : the successor of... No, sorry :o) Uh, well, an USB2 portable Audio / Midi interface up to 24 bits/192 Hz, with direct monitoring.

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M51galaxy VSTi
Daino, le 19-08-2006

AlgoMusic presents M51galaxy in VSTi format, which architecture is made of two independent synths. Among other things :
  • PDO (Phase Distortion Oscillator) with 2*8 waveforms
  • SUB (VA Oscillator) with 7 waveforms and a 12dB/oct SV Filter
  • FM capability for metallic sounds
  • Ensemble, Detune, mode Mono, Portamento, Vibrato
  • LFO (BPM synced) with an unique Arpeggiator
  • FX section
  • etc.
The price is announced at 22 € / 27 $.

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Groove Agent 3 announced for September
Jérôme, le 02-08-2006

For those who'd found Groove Agent 2 too light in terms of new features, Steinberg have just announced at the Summer NAMM Show that version 3 will be shipping in September, featuring loads of new functions and seeming to be a major upgrade of the program.

Among other new functions, you'll now get a "special agent" working with drum loops in 15 different live-recorded styles, and also a "percussions agent". Two of these agents can work in "dual mode" syncronized to the host's tempo.

Let's add, at random : A 9-band EQ and a compressor that can be assigned to any of the 12 outputs now at disposal, the possibility to import your own samples, an "alternate" function allowing you to humanize grooves and a whole lot of other new editing possibilities.

Prices (data from Steinberg GmBh): 239 €/300 $ full retail version 129 €/165 $ from GA v1 89 €/115 $ from GA v2 Requires a Steinberg key (29 €/39 $) if you don't own one yet.

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Melodyne 3.1
Daino, le 29-06-2006

Celemony has released the update 3.1 for Melodyne cre8 and Studio, with a sound library from Liquid Instruments. It can run native and is also ReWire, VST, RTAS and AU compatible on MAC computers with Intel processors.

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URS 1975 Classic Compressor
Daino, le 29-06-2006

URS proposes his 1975 Classic Compressor :
  • High Res 48 bit Double Precision processing
  • Adjustable Knee control from hard to soft
  • Compressor and separate "Brick Wall" Limiter
  • Internal Side Chain with High and Low Pass Filtering
  • Stereo, Mono and Multi-Mono.
The compressor is available separately.

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