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Hunting for the good URLs is the favorite sport of most web surfers ! Every day, our mailing lists offer some. The little directory below doesn’t in any way claim to be exhaustive. It just lists day after day some nice spots that the members of the mailing lists came across. Enjoy !

Plun-ins and VSTi links

The official site of the creators of Hyperprism, Ray Gun, Ioniser...

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Blue Line
Blue Line offer a wide range of rather classical but efficient plug-ins with nice GUIs. Those are non-restricted sharewares, but if you like them, it would be fair to send the 35 US$ the author asks for them ;o)

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Bojo SotfWare
A packl of fairly classical, though free, VST plug ins, and a little virtual synth (not free). Not tested, so no verdict ;o)

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Dave Brown's both the creator of most VST plug-ins bundled, and the webmaster of Cubase VST webring. His site offers commercial plug-ins in VST and DirectX formats as well as freeware versions.

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Digital Elements
A few free plug-ins : compressors and gates for PC. Beware ! They are beta versions on 12/3/00...

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Here are plug-ins for Cubase VST, PC version, and only this. These are not mega-complex plug-ins but the first ones he programmed for fun.

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Dspfx offer quality plug-ins with both nice and clear GUIs. Another interesting thing to notice : products are regularly updated.

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INA - GRM Tools
Did you that the INA (National Audio-visual Institute) also made musical research ? As a result from this came the famous GRM Tools, among others. These plug-ins are impossible to describe, the best thing to do is listening to them... Available for PC, Mac and Pro Tools...

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Instruments VST
Friend site ! Buddy-buddy again ? Well, yeah ! But we're only friends with good ones and here's the menu : news, tests, users opinions, links...all this in an austere but beautiful GUI and the site is regularly updated. Bravo to GeeBee !

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JXPlugins are specialized in VST instruments with, among others, the JXSynth (commercial) and the JX220 (freeware !).

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K-v-R VST Instrument Resources
This certainly is the most comprehensive site on VST Instruments. Everything's available there: news, polls, sound banks and patches, FAQ, mailing-mist, a survey on latency of sound cards, etc. All of this on a well conceived, user-friendly site. As many kudos as you want!

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Maxim Digital Audio
A site offering a load of house made plug-ins. Listing them would be too long ! Just note that there are 7 packs offering 4 to 5 plug-ins. All types of effects are available. Last thing to notice : BeOS versions are available.

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Smart Electron:x
Another range of freeware plug-ins. Depending on which plug-in, you'll have access to PC, Mac or BeOS versions !

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There would be a lot to say about this site, but the page that we're interested in here gives us the possibility to download 85 VST or DirectX plug-ins !

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Steinberg Plug-in Zone
Oh, what a nice page ! Non-exhaustive list of plug-ins compiled by Steinberg. Everything's there : creator, type, operating system, commercial ones, freewares...

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TC Works
Another famous plug-in creator. Besides the anavoidable TC Native Reverb, TC Works recently released (today is 12/4/00) a virtual synth of which technical specifications lead to believe that it will be a future reference.

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Tchakpoum !
Behind this strange but suggestive name, an element of the ECVST "crew" is hidden : Vincent Sermonne ! This great drummer was generous enough to sample his own drum-set from every angle and to offer you ready-to-use kits in various formats : LM4, Battery, Loops, raw samples, etc.......he's got great class, hasn't he ? ;o)

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VB-Audio - Vincent BUREL
Vincent Burel is a VST and DirectX plug-in creator who is not like the others. If you want to know more about him, read his interview on our plug-ins/news page. His site offers demos and freeware. Have a go with his astonishing plug-ins and you'll have difficulties to recover !

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Virtual Guitarist WebSite
This is crazy ! Only just available, Steinberg's VSTi already has its own official site (official because it's run by Steinberg). Forum, links, FAQs, MP3 demos...

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VST/ASIO developers kit
This address is often requested by programmers : the "SDK" for VST 2.0 plug-ins or ASIO 2.0 drivers. Gentlemen code programmers, it's your turn ! For French-speaking people, let's say that a mailing list is available on ECVST aiming to share help between programmers...

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