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Hunting for the good URLs is the favorite sport of most web surfers ! Every day, our mailing lists offer some. The little directory below doesn’t in any way claim to be exhaustive. It just lists day after day some nice spots that the members of the mailing lists came across. Enjoy !

Hardware links

All 'bout CD burning
A huge CD-burning FAQ. All aspects of CD burning in questions/answers and a load of internal and external links.

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Atari music
If you're mad about Atari computers, this site will be essential for you. Everything's there : news, downloads, links, secondhand trading, FAQ...etc, and.....Cubase ! Black and White layout ;o) English version available...

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Now this one, yeah, you’d better keep in a safe place! In order to know day after day everything about what is developed for the BeOS platform, and download it. It’s comprehensive, sorted, with polls, statistics, etc… Great job !

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Another site dedicated to the tweaking of all different Windows versions but focusing more precisely on audio apps and sequencers. The advice is leveled from light to extreme ;o) Very sober, with only text, utilities and links (among which we find the ECVST !)....has to be read, for sure !

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refernce site as regards all elements of a PC. News, tests, advice on overclocking, tips and tricks... Very comprehensive!

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The title says a lot by itself ! A sub-title ? Audio, MIDI and music on Apple Macintosh ! This site is THE reference site if you create music on a Mac. Daily news, huge link database, freewares and sharewares, quality forums with much activity..... everything available in both French and English. If you go to MacMusic forums linking from here, greet Soif, its webmaster, from us.

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Mailing-List Beos-fr
Another must : this one is managed by FeedBack ;o). A believer in MLs, he created the French-speaking BeOS mailing list. Users as well as programmers joined in. Cool atmosphere and robust content.

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NT Generation
A site dedicated exclusively to Windows NT-based OS's, that is to say NT, 2000 or XP. Everything's there : tips, big modifications, optimization, information, forums, links and so on. You should really take a look or two at this site !

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Everything about Operating Systems. Even if the site is more interested in alternative OS's, market leaders are not put aside. News, big articles, interviews and forums are on the menu.

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Tous Les
As clear as its name states it....But, beware ! If you can easily find the latest driver version for a graphic card, it would be useless to look there for a professional soundcard driver.

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Windows 98 Annoyances
Another site showing that Windows is a real gasworks in which everything you encounter can be modified. Fortunately, here you get the right tunings to be done. Those that will, eventually, make Windows behave in a better way than if you don't touch anything ;o)

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Yaromat Berlin
Beware, completely useless site !!! But ! But a wonderful DHTML exhibition transforming your PC into a......Macintosh, through your browser ! Wonderful ! At first, we believe in it and we're even a bit afraid !

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