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Practive with Logical Edit

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I've recorded on a part a free improvisation that a friend played on my keyboard. The part was set to channel 1 in the arrange window and my keyboard also is since when I check the list Editor (Edit/List, Ctrl-G), all notes are showing 1 in the Chn column.

To proprely follow this tutorial, just create a part and using whatever means fill it randomly with about 20 low- and high-pitched notes. That's all.

I want to tweak this part to play low-pitched notes by a harpsichord (GM instrument nbr 7) and high-pitched notes by a piano (GM instrument nbr 1).

First, I set my keyboard as follows: I assign Harpsichord (nbr 7) to channel 2 and Piano (nbr 1) to channel 3. Having to set channel for 2856 notes with the mouse is quite frightening indeed! No. I would rather learn how to use Logical Edit! That's the purpose of the following text.

Then, i have to set the track's channel to 'Any' so that Cubase properly plays my part. (ie: If I leave the track's channel on 1, all notes will be output on channel 1 and channel's setting of edit windows will be ignored.

LOGICAL EDIT : I select my part. Only my part, otherwise modifications made by logical edit affect the other selected parts too. I launch Logical Edit (Ctrl-L).

I click on button (a wise thing to do in order to reset all previous settings).

SELECTING ALL NOTES LOWER THAN C3: At the top "Filters". I keep Event type, I set Value1 to lower (by using pull-down menu) and type C3 in the field below (value 60 is displayed).

ASSIGNING CHANNEL 2 TO THIS NOTES: below: "Processing", "Channel" I set to Fix and type 2 in the field below.

What I want is selecting all notes which pitch is lower than C3 (the keyboard middle C), and assigning to them channel 2.

SELECTING ALL NOTES LOWER THAN C3: At the top "Filters". I keep Event type, I set Value1 to lower (by using pull-down menu) and type C3 in the field below (value 60 is displayed).

ASSIGNING CHANNEL 2 TO THIS NOTES: below: "Processing", "Channel" I set to Fix and type 2 in the field below. I click on the Clic on Do it button and Logical processes, then I click on Clic on Exit button and I notice in the list (Ctrl-L) that the low-pitched notes have their channel set to 2.

Now I want to select all notes which pitch is higher than B2 (so that C3 is processed), and assign to them the channel 3.

SELECTING ALL NOTES HIGHER THAN B2: At the top Filters. I keep Event type, I set Value1 to "Higher"? (by using pull-down menu) and type B2 in the field below (value 59 is displayed).

ASSIGNING CHANNEL 3 TO THIS NOTES: below Processing. I set the Channel to Fix and type 3 in the field below.

I click on Do It button and Logical process, then I click on Exit button and I notice in the list (Ctrl-L) that the high-pitched notes have their channel set to 3.

That's what Logical Edit is all about ! :

  1. "Filter" : to what data should processing apply ?
  2. "Processing" What processing be applied ?

If I don't state anything in 'Filters', all data will be processed, ie all selected items (part, notes in a part etc...) . In this exemple, another way I could have achieved the same would have been to select all low-pitched notes with the mouse in the Edit windows and then, in Logical Edit, only set Processing parameters.

If I don't state anything in Process but I select Delete (for example) in the 'Function' pull-down menu, all items determined by 'Filter' (or all items selected if I didn't state anything in Filter) will be deleted.

It's time to proceed to Tutorial #2 - SCORE : I'd rather turn this improvisation into a score for editing purposes, starting with with all notes of my part assigned to channel 1.

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Guy COULON, on the 17-06-1998

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