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Cubase from 5.0 to 5.0R6

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As I'm a courageous guy and that I know that you are too tired to read the Version History files, I'm in charge to join together here all the changes appeared in Cubase from version 5.0R0 to version 5.0R6. I kept only the innovations by making the dead end on the innumerable corrections of bugs.

They are only extracts of the Version History file. The remarks are thus signed Steinberg.

This page will also allow us to ensure the follow-up of the VST Laboratory n order to see whether we were listened or not ! From now on, I will update it at each "Release"...

Cubase 5.0R1

Of memory, it seems to me that this R1 brought only the Rocket NetWork compatibility.

Cubase 5.0R2

Being waited for a long time, this version has been a catastrophe although it made only corrections of bugs. It's at this time that Steinberg set up its policy of Public Beta version.

Cubase 5.0R3

Proposes only the correction of the catastrophe of the R2 version ;op

Cubase 5.0R4

There is a new option in the General Preferences. 'First Click Activates Window' When ON, the first click on a deactivated window is used to bring the window to the front. When OFF, a click on a deactivated window brings the window to the front AND the click is send to the window content. (3.7 mouse behaviour).

The installer/patcher has been changed so that if a user directory is given for the rollback function, then it is indeed used.

There is a new menu option 'Launch Internal Wave editor' & 'Launch External Wave editor', this solves a problem where assigning a key command that used the Control would always open the internal editor.

The MIDI connection between Cubase and Rewired applications like Reason has been implemented. After a Rewire application is opened, you will find that the Rewire MIDI ports appear on the popup menu that appears in the Track columns in the arrange window.

There is a new switch in the Audio Export dialog, 'Allow PlugIns to update themselves during Export'. Some plug-ins don't have time to change their patch/program while the audio engine is running at its deepest level and defer updating their settings to the same level as the user interface. When this switch is activated, the plug-ins are given an additional opportunity to update themselves during the export audio operation. It means that the level meters will be updated during export audio. The existing audition options have been removed.

It is not possible to engage multi-record from inside an editor. So now an alert has been added to warn you.

A MIDI track or drum track could have a (pre) delay set to -192, the maximum value the MIDI engine can use is -100. Settings less than -100 (-100 to -192) would cause the MIDI data to be played inaccurately. The range of adjustment has been altered.

An alert box will now appear if you try and export audio with the audio engine disabled.

Cubase 5.0R5

This version is also verified for use with DirectX8a. But please note that does not means Steinberg can control the behaviour of all the other components that use DirectX. That means that you have to be sure that the manufacturer of your soundcard has a driver that is tested and compatible with DirectX8a. This very important - just installing DirectX8 and then starting Cubase could crash your machine if the driver for the the sound card is not DirectX8 capable. Check first - because removing DirectX8 is not a simple matter.

The second issue with DirectX8 is plug-ins. Our tests have shown that a number of DirectX plug-ins are themselves not compatible with DirectX8. In this case as Cubase tries to open them during startup, the plug-in crashes and Cubase reports a 'serious error'. We have found this with a number of older plug-ins. We strongly recommend that you check with the manufacturer of your DirectX plug-in that they are indeed compatible with DirectX8 before you install DirectX8

The top most VST Channel Settings window now follows the last selected channel in the VST mixer. To try this open a VST Channel Settings window and then click the grey numbers under the faders in the VST Channel Mixer.

The behaviour of arming of record channels from a remote control has been changed. Now when a track is disarmed, its input monitor state is deselected as well.

When opening a song that has audio files with missing images, Cubase will now offer to build these images.

When an audio export was given the same name as an existing file, Cubase offered the options to overwrite or replace the existing file. But if the file you try and replace was already in the pool Cubase created unique file name based on the given name. There are two changes. The Backup option is removed. Cubase only asks if you wish to replace an existing file now. If the file name chosen is already in use, Cubase will warn you that an alternative name has been used.

The horizontal scroll position of the VST channel windows is stored between opening and closing the windows.

The last known position of any Channel EQ or Channel Dynamic Window is now used as the default position of any new Channel EQ or Channel Dynamic Window.

An alert has been added when attempting to insert control events with the line tool in Key edit with snap set to off as it would take minutes to finishing inserting 15360 controller events per quarter bar.

The gridlines used in the Key, Drum and List editor have been totally redone. The whole grid has been lightened to make the data stand out more. The quarter lines appear darker than the 16th lines, but lighter than the bar-lines. And the there is a differentiation between bar-numbers and quarter-bar-numbers in the ruler.

You can add custom names for the channel strips in the Yamaha DSP Factory Mixer. Warning: These names are will be lost if the song is loaded into a earlier version of Cubase.

The Channel Overview window for the Yamaha DSPF Mixer now includes the automation strip.

It is now possible to save and load the following data for the Yamaha DSPF Mixer :

  • Save/Load of complete DSP-Factory mixer
  • Save/Load of selected channel
  • Save/Load of EQ/Dynamics of selected channel
  • Save/Load of FX settings

Improved Support for Tascam US-428.

Improved Support for CM Motormix.

Cubase 5.0R6

The way Cubase generates backup file names has been changed. Previously the file extension was changed so that the last letter was changed to a 'b'. For instance a backup of an arrangement file (*.ALL) would be a (*.ALB) file. Now it will be a '*.ALLB' file. This change was necessary because bank files from VST Effects use a file extension '*.FXB' and the backup name of that would be the same - so no backup would be made at all. Similarly a backup of an VST Effect program file with the extension '*.FXP' would be '*.FXB' which would be confused with a bank file.

New code has been written to make the file dialogs appear on the appropriate monitor on dual monitor screens. The file dialog will appear on the monitor containing the mouse when the file dialog is activated. If you move the file dialog to your prefered position on the either of the monitors, this prefered position, relative to the top left hand corner of the monitor on which it appears, will be used on either monitor on which it appears, unless the other monitor is too small, then the prefered position is adjusted until at least the dialog is clearly visible on that monitor. confused? then sell the other monitor.

New Code has been written to allow the changing of the tools in the toolboxes that appear in arrange, key, drum, list, score, audio and wave editors from keyboard commands, without having to open the toolbox itself. Look in 'Preferences/Key Command Preferences/Arrangements & Editors': There you will finds ten new entries which access the same numbered tool in the current toolbox. The tools are numbered as follows :

1 3 5 7 9
2 4 6 8 10

The is an additional panel in the General Preferences section: OS Specifics. Some existing options have been moved there :

Under these OS Specifics there is an new option 'Use Hide instead of Minimize for VST Windows' this controls the behaviour of how VST windows are removed from the screen controlled from the Windows Menu. The option to hide the VST windows is not compatible with a number of DirectX plugs and if they are hidden, they crash Cubase as Cubase quits. Saved in preferences.

Under these OS Specifics there is an new option 'Engage Num-lock when using Text Edit'. Cubase's default behaviour is to turn Num-Lock on when using Text Edit boxes (places where can type something in) otherwise the numbers appear as cursor commands. Laptop users without a number pad can turn this behaviour off. Saved in preferences

On peut, ENFIN ! choisir les couleurs dans l'éditeur de contrôleurs !!! 4 choses peuvent être colorées, j'ai la flemme de traduire ;op

The Controller Editor now allows you to select colours. There are 4 different things that can be coloured. The active data in both its selected and unselected forms. The inactive data, that in other lanes that the active, and the colour of the background Waveform images. Look for the colour popup in the status bar. Saved in preferences

Finally ! It is seen that Cubase advances gradually. But reading the VST Laboratory, it can be seen also that a good version 5.1 with full of new things and innovations would be welcome. I wonder however if Steinberg, despite of the noise that we (the ECVST) could make, is informed of our VST Laboratory VST...

Pascal VALENTIN, on the 23-07-2001

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