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Display the ECVST News on your own site !

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We offer you the possibility to display our latest news on your own site. Don't worry, there is absolutely no need to be an HTML wizard ;o) You just have to put the following code wherever you want in your HTML code :

<script src="" language="JavaScript"></script>

You can set two parameters :

  • Le "t=2" : determines the font size. You can chose between 1 and 2. Should a mistake happen, the default size will be set to 2
  • Le "n=20": indicates the number of news which will be displayed. Possible values : from 1 to 50. The default value is set to 20 if you make a mistake.

A few coding examples...

With the code :

<script src="" language="JavaScript"></script>

You will display ten news in size 2 :

With the code :

<script src="" language="JavaScript"></script>

You will display twenty news in size 1 :

In case of trouble, don't hesitate to contact us...

They display our News...

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