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Here's some modes with 7 notes, to test before any abusive use...

You will find :

  • The name of the mode
  • The notes which make it up
  • A small description
  • the agreement of tonic and its superstructure between brackets
  • And a small midi file of the scale (clic on "Ecoutez !").

The Bartok mode

C, D, E, F#, G, A, B.

It is the 4th degree of the melody minor, which is very much used, that is why I announce it (even if it belongs of the "known" modes). Think mixolydien (G mode) with increased fourth.

Chords : C 7 (9, #11, 13).

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Super-locrien mode (or faded mode)

C Db Eb Fb Gb Ab Bb C.

7th degree of the melody minor, you can represent a major range with the tonic gone up of a semitone (just let you represent it, because if you think about it that when you play, you could get catastrophes...). This mode works very well on a 7#5 chord, because the Fb is equal to E and Ab is equal to G#.

Chords : Cm7b5 (b9, b11, b13) or C 7#5 (b9, #9, #11).

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Hungrian major Mode

C, D#, E, F#, G, A, B, C.

Related to the Bartok Mode, with an increased 2nd

Chords : C 7 (#9, #11, 13).

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Hungrian minor Mode

C, D, Eb, F#, G, Ab, B, C.

Looks like the ?melodic minor? with increased 4th.

Chords : C min/maj7 (9, #11, b13).

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Oriental Mode 1

C, Db, E, F, Gb, A, Bb, C.

Think locrian (B mode) with a major 3rd and a major 6th.

Chords : C Maj/min 7b5 (b9, 11, 13).

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Oriental Mode 2

C, Db, E, F, Gb, A, B, C.

Strange, 4 half tones like in the previous one, the chord is great, but I don?t use it.

C Maj7b5 (b9, 11, 13).

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Oriental Mode 3

C, D#, E, F, Gb, Ab, Bb, C

A ?kind? of faded mode that I?ve also never used. (If someone use it, talk !).

Chords : C 7b5 (#9, 11, b13).

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Arabian Mode

C, D, E, F, Gb, Ab, Bb, C

It is also called Locrian Major, because it starts as a major scale and ends as a locrian (or as an faded) mode.

Chords : C 7b5 (9, 11, b13).

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Enigma Mode

C, Db, E, F#, G#, A#, B, C

Closed to be a full tone scale, except for the 2nd minor and the 7th major B/C.

Chords : C Maj7#5 (b9, #11, #13).

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Napolitan Major Mode

C, Db, Eb, F, G, A, B, C

Think about Melodic minor mode with an 2nd minor. The ?Major? is at the end of the scale (from F to C, this is the end of a Major scale).

Chords : C min/Maj 7 (b9, 11, 13).

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Napolitan minor Mode

C, Db, Eb, G, Ab, B, C

Think harmonic minor with a 2nd minor.

C, min/Maj 7 (b9, 11, b13).

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Lydian minor Mode

C, D, E, F#, G, Ab, Bb, C

The well named.

Chords : C 7 (9, #11, b13).

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Romanian Mode

C, D, Eb, F#, G, A, Bb, C

Think about Bartok Mode with a 3rd minor.

Chords : C m7 (9, #11, 13).

Ecoutez !

Régis LAMORA, on the 11-09-1999

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