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Here is the official Cubase SX3 documentation released by Steinberg. Of course, this is Steinberg's point of view, not the Espace-Cubase's one ,o)

Cubase SX3 takes music production to a new level by adding more than 70 new features including powerful Audio Warp Realtime Timestretching, an intuitive Play Order Track, convenient Inplace Editing and many new editing functions. For the first time, a native music production system combines fullfeatured audio and MIDI recording and editing, virtual instruments and powerful audio mixing with the added flexibility of loop and pattern-based arranging and mixing. Cubase SX3 supports Windows XP and Mac OSX and works with a multitude of audio interfaces. With seamless integration of external audio and MIDI hardware Cubase SX3 re-defines virtual studio technology.

Top-10 new features of Cubase SX3

  • Audio Warp : Realtime Time Stretching and Pitch Shifting offer extensive new audio editing and processing capabilities, including ACID® File support: loops automatically adopt a project’s tempo; audio files can follow tempo changes in realtime.
  • Intuitive Play Order Track for pattern-based arranging adds a new level of creative music editing. Divide your song into sections, and then re-arrange it on the fly. Compare alternative versions of your song and then convert them back into a linear form for mixdown and mastering.
  • New Inplace Editor supports ultra-fast direct MIDI event editing from within the project page. Edit MIDI events in context with audio or video.
  • New MIDI Device Maps / Panels support direct access to external MIDI hardware with user-definable graphic editing panels. Import VST Mixer Maps or create your own editing panels, even for the Track Inspector or the mixer’s channel strip.
  • User-definable Workspaces (window layouts) help organizing your desktop. Create and save a separate workspace for each step of the production process. Switch Workspaces on the fly, as if working on multiple computers or monitors.
  • Studio Connections “Total Recall” support (optional integration of Yamaha’s Studio Manager 2). The first step into a new dimension of software/hardware integration. This modular editing system builds a powerful bridge between the virtual and physical studio. Opening a project can recall an entire studio setup within seconds.
  • External FX Plugins allow for direct integration of external hardware effects processors into the VST audio mixer. Use your favorite outboard gear just like plugins – including automatic delay compensation.
  • Extended Freeze function for virtual instruments and audio tracks with added flexibility and improved performance. Freeze virtual instruments with or without insert effects. Then automatically unload the instrument to free up RAM. Freeze audio tracks with insert effects to free up even more CPU performance.
  • A Dummy Plugin automatically replaces missing plugins when a project is transferred to a different system. This project can be saved and sent back – the original plugins will automatically open up again.
  • New part-based Volume Envelopes for direct control of dynamics. Fix level problems on the fly without wasting automation tracks. Then move events with their volume envelopes.
  • User-definable Color Coding for tracks and VST mixer channels provides more clarity and better orientation – especially in complex projects.

Competitive Comparison

Feature Cubase SX 3 Emagi Logic Pro Motu DP4 Sonar 3 ProTools LE
Supported Platforms Mac OSX / Windows Mac OSX Mac OSX Windows Mac OS9 + X / Windows
Audio Tracks Unlimited up to 128 tracks w/ single hw Unlimited Unlimited 32 (24 w/MBox
Midi Tracks Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited 256
VST Instruments 64 64 with Wrapper Unlimited with Wrapper Unlimited with Wrapper No VST
Realtime Audio Warping Y N N Y <b>N
Variable Play Orderg Y N N N N
Freeze Y Y N * N N
Full Latency Compensation Y Only partly N Y N
Full Multi-Channel Audio Path Y N O N N
OMF Support Y Y Y Y Optional
Extensive Timecode and Sync Features Y Y Y Y N
Configurable Toolbar, Track Controls & Transport Y N Y Y N
WMA Pro integration Y N N N N
Price (retail) € 689 (excl. VAT) € 891 (excl. VAT) € 685 (excl. VAT) € 628 (excl. VAT) Only sold w/Hardware

(*not a real freeze function, only offline bounce as a macro)

Target Customers

Cubase SX Users

Compared to the previous versions, Cubase SX3 offers major new features and enhancements covering every aspect of music production. The Time Warp Tool introduced in SX2 now unfolds its full potential when combined with SX3’s powerful Audio Warp features. Fully customizable Workspaces provide individualized working environments. The Inplace Editor makes MIDI event editing faster and more intuitive. The VST mixer now offers more power with the addition of external plugins, extended Freeze functionality and the very useful new color options. Plus, VSTi audio channels can now be opened directly in the MIDI track inspector. But most importantly, these powerful new features are seamlessly integrated into Cubase’s familiar user interface.

Cubase VST Users

Steinberg’s creative team kept its word by adding more familiar Cubase VST features to SX3. Long-time Cubase veterans will love the powerful MIDI Device Manager and the part-based Volume Envelopes. Import of MIDI files has been further improved and additional view options – like the optional bars+beats linear display of the project window – offer larger flexibility in customizing the Cubase SX user interface.

All-New Users

Cubase SX is already known for its outstanding sound quality, its incredibly powerful VST Engine – the most advanced native audio engine around – and some of the best editing tools available today. Cubase SX3 adds some exciting new creative possibilities that will particularly appeal to users of groove or loop oriented software and hardware sequencers: Steinberg’s new Audio Warp engine and the simply amazing Play Order Track open the doors for anyone with a different and less-traditional approach to making music.

Switchers from other platforms

While the music technology scene continues to change, still more and more producers and musicians are looking for alternative tools that no longer restrict their workflow to specific operating system platforms, proprietary file and plug-in formats or limited recording and editing techniques. Steinberg has always and will continue to develop products for users, not for platforms. SX3 reflect this policy by adding more platform-specific optimization, cross-platform compatible file and project handling, and deeper integration of external hardware of any kind. With our attractive cross-grade offers, switching to Cubase SX is the best alternative for anyone who feels that it’s time for a change.


Music Composition

Cubase SX3 is the perfect environment for any composer, songwriter, and music producer. Regardless of how a creative person approaches music – Cubase SX3 offers the best set of tools for music creation. Cubase SX3 sets a new standard for power and flexibility with the new Audio Warp technology that solves even the most complex tempo matching or tempo correction tasks. The powerful and intuitive Play Order Track now offers a different approach to arranging music.

Where other sequencing software forces the user into specific working techniques, Cubase SX3 now has the perfect combination of linear, timeline-based and intuitive pattern-style arranging – seamlessly integrated into the familiar project view. And with the deepest integration of external audio and MIDI hardware available, Cubase SX3 is truly the center of a modern studio.

Surround Music Production and Mixing

Cubase SX2 defined a new standard for multi-channel music production. The multi-channel audio path and the smart handling of multi-channel audio files are still unrivaled. Cubase SX3 adds even more flexibility and usability when working in a multi-channel studio setup. The new audition bus provides a separate Audition Bus for previewing, editing or scrubbing audio. The External FX plugins allows for integration of surround capable signal processors directly into the VST mixer. That’s the Steinberg way of integrating software and hardware in a surround studio environment!

Music for Picture

For more than a decade Cubase has been the preferred composition and production tool for many film and television composers. Cubase SX3 offers some fantastic new features for writing and arranging music to picture. The whole area of tempo processing has been vastly improved, ranging from one-step tempo matching using the new Process Tempo tool and more the advanced Time Warp Tool to realtime audio warping down to the event level. Cubase SX3 now distinguishes musical from non musical audio and using the new Inplace Editor, single MIDI events and controllers can be edited to picture directly from within the project window.

Loop-based Music Production and Remixing

Cubase SX3 opens a new market for Steinberg by adding powerful Audio Warp Realtime Timestretching and pattern-style arranging and editing using the intuitive new Play Order Track to its already powerful feature set. In the past, many existing Cubase owners used additional loop-based, pattern-style sequencers for writing and arranging music based on pre-existing elements such as ACID® loops.

With Cubase SX3, this popular way of working has become an integrated element of one of the most powerful music production systems. Often these users had to transfer their projects to Cubase or use ReWire for mixing in Cubase. Now everything can be done right within Cubase – with the major advantage that everything is kept in sync and up-to-date on the project level and users may go back into recording/editing anytime.

Cubase SX3 is now more capable than ever of handling demanding projects in the latest music styles. Especially professional producers will appreciate this combination of intuitive and fast recording / arranging and highest-quality audio processing / mixing.

Product Facts

Cubase SX3 project window

Most of the new features in Cubase SX3 are seamlessly integrated into the familiar user interface. Most of these new options can be hidden from the transport or tool menu bar if not used.

The Play Order Editor shows the available Play Order Parts on the right and the current Play Order List on the left side. One click on the “Flatten Play Order” button recalculates the project and converts the Play Order back into a linear timeline.

In addition to the Editor Window, the Play Order can also be edited from the Transport Panel, the Track Inspector and the Tool Bar

The Inplace Editor unfolded: Single MIDI note and controller events can now be edited directly from within the project window. One click on the “Edit Inplace” button unfolds or collapses the Inplace Editor. Within the editor, zooming and scrolling can be achieved with a single mouse move in the left-side keyboard area.

With the new and expanded Track Inspector, working with Virtual Instruments is even more convenient. If a MIDI track is routed to a VSTi, the VSTi’s audio channel can be displayed in the MIDI tracks inspector. In fact, all MIDI and audio Inspector elements can be selected at need. For multi-output instruments, any output channel can be displayed.

New Volume Envelopes can be used to apply partbased dynamic automation.

The Pool Window now has a tempo column as well as a selector to set each audio clip to musical mode. Clips set to “musical” will follow the song’s tempo and tempo changes, whereas “non-musical” clips will always play in their original tempo.

The new “Process Tempo” dialog can be opened from within the tempo track editor. This tool can be used for fast and accurate tempo processing and tempo matching. This is especially useful when editing music to picture.

The VST Connections Window now has a separate tab for “External FX”. Here, external signal processors can be defined as external plugins for the VST mixer.

The new realtime Audio Warp tools allow for extremely deep and accurate tempo matching and tempo editing. If an audio file contains tempo information (such as ACID® files), these can be directly imported into a project. ACID® files automatically pick up the song’s tempo.

If the tempo/time signature of an audio clip is known but not included in the file, it can be typed in manually in the pool or audio editor. For audio clips with unknown tempo or time signature, a tempo definition tool can be used to define the clip’s tempo.

Using the Time Warp Tool, the global tempo map can be matched to a free-form audio file. On the other hand, a free form audio file can be manually synced to a given tempo map, using the “Warp Samples” tool.

To adjust the realtime stretching algorithm, a number of presets can be used – or a custom setting created in the “Advanced” menu.

Finally there are a number of new advanced audio processing commands to create groove quantize templates, to quantize audio, or to freeze time stretch and transpose using the high-quality offline time-stretch algorithms.

Inside the MIDI Device Editor, external MIDI hardware can be defined as a device map and then combines with one or more graphic device panels. These device panels allow for realtime control and automation, as well as snapshot automation.

Custom device panels can be created to fit into the new User Panel of the Track Inspector or into the Channel Strip of the VST mixer.

The Device Editor comes with tools to create custom user panels that fit precisely into either the track inspector or the mixer’s channel strip.

Of course, there may be more than one user panel for a given device.

Yamaha Studio Manager and DM2000 Device Editor

Cubase SX3 is the first version of Cubase to support Studio Connections, a new open standard defined by Yamaha and Steinberg to support deeper integration between hardware and software studio environments. Shown here is the Yamaha Studio Manager 2 main window, which can be opened directly from Cubase SX3’s device menu, when Studio Manager is installed on the same system.

From Studio Manager, individual device editors can be opened by double-clicking the device icons. When assigned to a MIDI track, these editors can also be opened from the track inspector, the mixer or the track edit window.

The first implementation of Studio Connections in Cubase SX3 features Total Recall. Any or all settings of connected hardware devices can be saved within the project. When a project is opened again, these settings can be sent automatically or manually to connected hardware devices, potentially providing Total Recall for an entire studio.

For more information on Total Recall and the Yamaha/Steinberg Studio Connections Initiative, please refer to the separate information provided in this product guide.

Key Features & Benefits (Product Demo Favorites)

Feature What it does Benefito
Realtime Audio Warp A new realtime Timestretching algorithm has been implemented to offer realtime tempo and pitch editing Musical audio can now automatically follow a songs tempo and tempo changes. Individual parts can be transposed or tuned. ACID® files can be imported directly into a project and instantly take on the song’s tempo. Complex tempo matching and audio quantizing tasks can now be done on the fly – in realtime with instant audio feedback.
New Play Order Track Adds a new track to define a song’s formal structure and divide it into patterns. Patterns can be arranged in one or more play order. A new play order can then be “flattened” into a new linear timeline. The user is no longer tied into the linear structure of the timeline. Any existing arrangement can be divided into sections or patterns. This allows for vastly improved flexibility when experimenting with different song structures, arrangements or remixes. Instead of being tied into either linear or loopbased arranging, users can now work in both worlds at the same time.
Inplace Editing A click on the “Edit Inplace” button opens a small key editor inside the project window for editing MIDI in context with other track types. Instead of working in multiple windows, MIDI events can now be edited directly from within the project window. This allows for faster editing and for editing MIDI in context with audio or video. A huge time-saver!
MIDI Device Maps/Panels External MIDI devices can be created or imported from VST Mixer Maps. Editing external MIDI devices is now an integrated part of Cubase again. This allows for realtime control, automation and snapshot automation.
Workspaces Takes snapshots of a complete window setup and stores the entire desktop into a workspace. Key commands can then be used to switch between workspaces. Organizing window layouts for single or multiple screens is a lot more powerful and easier to use. A major workflow improvement for every Cubase user.
Studio Connections “Total Recall" Works in conjunction with Yamaha’s optional Studio Manager 2, which serves as a link between Cubase and external audio and MIDI hardware products that support the new Studio Connections standard. Studio Connections means perfect integration of hardware and software. Use the flexibility of plugins on external hardware devices. Loading a project can recall an entire studio’s setup. Learn more about Studio Connections in the special FAQ section of this product guide.
External FX" A new tab in the VST Connections window is used to set up external hardware signal processors as plugins to be used in the VST mixer. Instead of having to use outboard mixers, Cubase SX users can now run their audio tracks and virtual instruments though external signal processors using the VST mixer. Hardware effects can be used like plugins. An external plugin within a FX channel can be used as an external effects send.
Extended Freeze VST instrument freeze now has more options for freezing with or without insert effects. Audio channels now have a freeze button, too. In addition, overall performance of the freeze process has been improved. Freeze is now much more powerful. And more efficient. Saves more CPU, works faster, and offers more flexibility, especially when working with many plugins and instruments.
Dummy Plugin Replaces missing plugins when moving a project to a different system. Until now, it was difficult to move projects from one system to another, especially when plugins or VST instruments were missing. In SX3, a dummy plugin replaces missing plugins. This way, the project can still be opened and edited without losing the connections to the original plugin, when that project is sent back to the original system later.
Dummy Plugin Replaces missing plugins when moving a project to a different system. Until now, it was difficult to move projects from one system to another, especially when plugins or VST instruments were missing. In SX3, a dummy plugin replaces missing plugins. This way, the project can still be opened and edited without losing the connections to the original plugin, when that project is sent back to the original system later.
Volume Envelopes Part-based volume automation, similar to original Cubase VST “Dynamic Events”. Here’s an additional way of controlling volume for a part. The pen tool can be used to draw volume curves on parts which will be locked to the part and move with the part. Great for fixing level problems right inside the part without the need of using track automation.
Color Coding for Tracks Tracks in the project window can now be color-coded, same color is applied to respective mixer channels. Provides more clarity and better orientation – especially when working on complex projects with many tracks and mixer channels. When no colors are applied, the track color is copied to all parts within the track. However, if parts have been colorized before, these colors are retained.
Audition Channel A separate audio output bus has been added to the VST Connections. This bus is used exclusively for previewing, editing and scrubbing audio. With a separate audition bus, audio can be monitored through separate monitors or through the same monitors but unprocessed, without having to reorganize the audio setup. Especially useful when working in a multichannel surround system or when working with multiple sets of studio monitors.
Audio Pre-Record of up to 10 minutes 10 minutes Records audio from the input of record-enabled tracks even before recording started. Never again, a great idea will be lost when audio pre-record is active. Audio recorded prior to record start can be revealed by enlarging the part to the left. A great feature, both for recording and overdubbing.
Child-busses for VST Outputs Outputs Provides a sub-category of extra output busses linked to main output busses. In multi-channel applications, signals should often be routed to specific channels (front stereo, center mono, or surround stereo) bypassing the surround panners. This can be achieved by setting up child busses in the VST Connections window.
Alternative Audio Waveform Visualization Displays audio waveforms in project window with background color modulation. The standard waveform display often lacks clarity when working at small track heights and low dynamics. Background color modulation displays waveform dynamics across the entire track height, thus providing better orientation in certain project views.
Improved Hitpoint Detection Offers better performance and more options. The hitpoint detection algorithm is now faster and more reliable. Presets for different audio material are provided. Hitpoints can be converted to audio warp tabs. Audio can be quantized on the fly. Overall, hitpoints and the new audio warp features integrate well and provide much deeper access to manipulating audio.
Improved Hitpoint Detection Offers better performance and more options. The hitpoint detection algorithm is now faster and more reliable. Presets for different audio material are provided. Hitpoints can be converted to audio warp tabs. Audio can be quantized on the fly. Overall, hitpoints and the new audio warp features integrate well and provide much deeper access to manipulating audio.

Cubase SX3 : Complete List of New Features

  • Extended Freeze for VST instruments offers more options for freezing VSTi’s and VSTi channels
  • Freeze for Audio Channels to reduce CPU load by audio insert plugins
  • Dummy Plugin replaces missing plugins when transferring projects to another system; thereby preserving the original plugin when moving back to the original system
  • Glide return-time on touch fader automation
  • Play Order Track for intuitive arranging and rearranging of projects
  • Volume envelope for parts offers automation of volume that moves with the part
  • Audition channel creates separate monitor bus for scrubbing, preview and editing audio
  • AUX send panners linked to channel panners facilitates surround mixing
  • Option to route send busses of FX return channel to any output channels
Files and Formats (Import and Export)
  • Import / export markers with Standard MIDI File
  • Improved Drag & Drop for Standard MIDI Files into project window
  • Import/Export selected tracks from/to OMF
  • OMF: Option to export clip names
Recording and playback
  • Adjustable audio pre-record up to 10 minutes serves as a virtual audio sketch pad; audio clips can be expanded at the event start to reveal pre-recorded data
  • Improved scrubbing
  • New project start time options: keeps events absolute or relative to project start time
  • Audition option during export
  • Post-Record cleanup after MIDI recording (resets pitch bend, sustain and other controllers)
  • Audio Warp realtime algorithm supports realtime time stretching and pitch shifting on individual or all clips
  • Time-Warp content tool allows for manual audio warping of individual clips
  • Hitpoint/loop rhythm info improvements
  • Improved Hitpoint Detection
  • Tempo processing for fast and accurate tempo operations based on the project’s tempo track
  • In Place Editor puts the key editor directly on the project page and allows for MIDI event editing (notes and controllers) in context with other tracks and track types
  • Relative snapping of objects: parts keep their relative start position when moved by snap values
  • Audio feedback for velocity changes in controller lanes
  • Key commands to recall logical editor presets
  • Key commands to recall controller lane setups
  • MIDI Controller input for controller lane editing
  • MIDI controller input for data in Info-Line
  • Moving sync-point shows timecode indicator
  • Select tool automatically changes to pencil tool when moving mouse pointer to a velocity MIDI controller lane
  • Color coding for all tracks and mixer channels, including a new color tool, expanded color palette, view/hide button and more
  • Child bussed for VST output busses facilitate signal routing in multi-channel applications
  • Alternative audio waveform visualization improves visibility of dynamics/loudness at small track heights
  • Performance Optimization (general and processor-specific)
  • Apple G5 and Intel P4 (Prescott) Optimization
  • OWorkspaces for managing window sets or entire desktops
  • Advanced metronome settings, including/adjustable pitch/volume for metronome click and alternative click samples
  • Alternative PPQ (bars+beats) linear view in project window
  • Optional position display for selection tool
  • Expand/collapse Inspector sections by clicking on entire title bar
  • Content indicator for Inspector Notepad
  • External FX plugins allow integration of external hardware signal processors into the VST mixer as insert or send effects
  • New MIDI Plugin: Context Gate
  • New MIDI Plugin: Arpache SX
  • Dummy plugin for freeze (replaces missing plugins when projects are transferred to other systems)
MIDI & Music
  • MIDI Device Maps and Panels give access to external MIDI equipment (synthesizers, signal processors, digital mixers, etc.)
  • User Panel for Track Inspector allows access to sections of Device Panels or specially designed user panels
  • User-definable channel strip in VST mixer as part of Device Panel integration
  • Integration of Yamaha Studio Manager 2 (Studio Connections open standard) to access compatible hardware editors, edit and manage devices, and save/recall settings with Cubase SX projects (Total Recall)
  • Quantizing MIDI can move associated controller events
  • MTC Loop sends continuous MTC timecode from seq. timecode when sequencer loops, jumps, locates, etc. (user preference)
  • MMC Machine Control Panel allows transport control and track arming of external MIDI devices
  • New Synchronization Setup Dialog organizes all related parameters in a new and more intuitive way
  • Improved slurs (insert, move, edit, delete)
  • User symbols; custom created symbols can be created and edited
  • Playback of the form; repeat marks, endings, da capo, etc. are played back properly
  • Improved text import; import blocks of text, in *.txt or *.rtf format
  • New command "set cursor to selection end"
  • Marker window now offers sortable columns
  • Quick assign of multiple inputs or outputs of a channel to one input or output
  • Quick assign for incrementing input or output of objects for multiple channels
  • Grid Match color option for MIDI events
  • Option to open plug-in GUI directly from the plug-in information window
  • Maximize button for video window expands window to full screen
  • VST instrument shortcut in drum map opens associated VSTi editor window
  • Key commands for the inspector sections expand or collapse respective sections
  • 64-Bit compatible with upcoming Windows XP 64-Bit Edition; supports up to 4 GB of RAM

Karl Steinberg: Questions & Answers on 64-bit Technology

Cubase SX3 is the first version of Cubase to be compatible with a 64-bit operating system, which allows for RAM access of up to 4GB of memory when used with a 64-bit operating system like Microsoft Windows XP 64-bit Edition. While native 64-bit application support is still under way and compatible drivers will follow some time down the road, Cubase SX3 already benefits from this new technology.

Karl Steinberg offers some insight into the 64-bit integration in Cubase SX3:

Q: Cubase SX3 adds Windows XP/64 support. How compatible is it with Windows XP/64-bit Edition?

A: Fully compatible in the 32-bit range, plus the added support of 4GB memory. So are all of our included plugins, as well as the HALion virtual sampler which then also benefits from the increased memory addressing.

Q: What's the advantage of Windows XP/64 support for the Cubase user today?

A: Improved performance and up to 4 GB of memory available (as opposed to a maximum of 2 GB for all running applications), which further increases overall performance when available.

Q: Aside from more RAM, are there any other performance advantages of 64-bit against 32-bit?

A: Yes, because the system can always use 'real' RAM instead of virtual memory (which is often swapped to hard disk). Also in general, the newer bus technologies allow for lower latency and significantly better data throughput which has a lot of advantages in terms of VST mixing and plug-in performance. However this is true for both 32-bit and 4 GB enhanced versions.

Q: Is a special version of Cubase required to run on Windows XP/64?

A: No, Cubase SX3 and all future releases will offer these features without any modification – right out of the box.

Q: What are the system requirements? Is there a hardware/software recommendation for people who would like to work in 64-bit today?

A: If you want to test it, you will need an AMD 64-bit processor system and Windows XP 64-bit Edition (currently, a public beta version is available at the Microsoft site). Intel will also support this technology with suitable processors in the future. In addition, compatible hardware drivers are needed. Some manufacturers offer beta drivers for evaluation.(A 64-bit compatible Syncrosoft Dongle Driver will be needed to evaluate SX3 on a 64-bit version of Windows XP. Steinberg will communicate availability of this driver once it is released.)

Q: What are the next steps for deeper integration of 64-bit technology in Cubase and other Steinberg products?

A: The next step of course is native 64-bit support. However, this requires deeper investigation and it will take a while until 3rd parties have provided all necessary modules (all VST Plugins must be native 64 bit as well in that case).

Q: Will there be 64-bit support for Mac OSX?

A: Apple has announced a similar approach to memory addressing for the upcoming Mac OSX Tiger release. We’re currently in the process of investigating these options. As a cross-platform company, Steinberg will certainly support these features once they become available on the Mac.

Studio Connections Initiative

"Studio Connections" Development Alliance

Steinberg and Yamaha Corporation continue a long standing relationship by announcing a new strategic alliance to develop integrated solutions for all levels of the music and media production market. The goal of the Studio Connections project is to enable the strengths of both hardware and software to be seamlessly combined to produce powerful, flexible and highly efficient audio production systems.

First implementation stage of the Studio Connections open standard is the integration and support of Yamaha’s Studio Manager and Total Recall for compatible hardware devices. Future implementation stages will include audio integration and parameter automation. Studio Connections is designed to be an open standard. Other manufacturers already expressed their interest in the format. A preliminary software development kit is currently available from Steinberg and Yamaha.

Questions Answers
What is Studio Connections? STUDIO CONNECTIONS is the name of an initiative led by Steinberg and Yamaha. The initiative intends to create industry standards for totally integrated system environments using software and hardware products.
What I can do with Total Recall solution? You can save and recall all settings of your hardware products and software products by opening one integrated file in a DAW such as Cubase or Nuendo. Also you will have instant and organized access to hardware editors.
What is the plan after Total Recall? STUDIO CONNECTIONS Initiative has already started the planning and technical investigation of the next solution. This will be the integration of audio, as well as automation.
What is the difference between OPT and VST? OPT is an interface technology between host applications and hardware editors and transmits mainly communication data like MIDI. VST is an audio/communication protocol between host applications and audio effect plug-ins/virtual instruments software, and transmits/ receives both audio and communication data.
How does this differ from OPT from Yamaha, which also aims to integrate software and hardware? In the Total Recall solution, some functions of OPT have been adopted to create OPT2. Also, a guideline of user interface design has been defined to ensure compatibility of user interface by DAW applications. And very importantly, the Total Recall solution is fully cross-platform, supporting Mac OS X as well as Windows 2000/XP.
How does mLAN fit into this system? mLAN technology is utilized alongside Total Recall as a separate, but complimentary technology. For example, MIDI command communications will be handled via mLAN with products like 01X. Also audio interfacing/networking is an important part of the studio system, although again, it is a separate technology.
What markets does Studio Connections target? Wide range of Music/Audio production market as well as the post-production market.
What is the relationship between Yamaha and Steinberg? Steinberg and Yamaha have a very close co-operative relationship. But neither company has an equity investment in the other.
When will Total Recall be released? September 2004 – in time with the release of Cubase SX3
Which Yamaha products will be supported as Total Recall? With the introduction of the Total Recall solution, products like DM2000v2, 02R96v2, DM1000, 01V96, 01X, Motif ES and SPX2000 are supported. Several other products will follow.
What Operating Systems are supported? Windows XP and Mac OSX
Are firmware updates required to support Total Recall? In some cases, firmware updates for hardware products may be required. We do not intend to charge for firmware updates specifically to support the Total Recall functions. However, customers will need to own the latest current version of firmware for some products. For example, DM2000/02R96 owners will need to have V2 firmware in order to receive any free updates related to Recall.
When will the SDK opened? After completion and verification of the system solution and completion of documentation work, the STUDIO CONNECTIONS initiative will make the complete technical information available to the industry. The target is to release this information before the end of 2004. A preliminary SDK is currently available from Steinberg and Yamaha.


Installation DVD (Mac/PC hybrid), printed “Getting Started” manual (GB, D, F), Steinberg Copy Protection Key (full version and VST/SE/LE updates only), License Code for Steinberg Key (updates only), HALion3 Demo, Hypersonic Demo, XPhraze and GrooveAgent Demos included on SX DVD, WaveLab5 Demo included on SX DVD (PConly), Zero-X BeatQuantizer Demo (30-days trial) included on SX DVD

Suggested Retail Price: 689.00 € (excl. VAT)
Upgrade SX3 from SX 2.0: 128.00 € (excl. VAT)

Shipping September 6, 2004

System Requirements

Macintosh Windows
Required: Required:
Power Mac G4 867 MHz
384 MB RAM
OS X Version 10.3.3 or higher
Display Resolution 1024 x 768 pixels
DVD-ROM drive
USB component port for copy protection key
Pentium / Athlon 800 MHz
384 MB RAM
Windows 2000, Windows XP Home and XP Professional
Display Resolution 1024 x 768 pixels
DVD-ROM drive
SB component port for copy protection key
Recommended: Recommended:
Power Mac G5 Dual 1.8 GHz or faster
512 MB RAM
Display Resolution 1152 x 864 pixels, dual monitor setup
Pentium / Athlon 2.8 GHz or faster
512 MB RAM
Display Resolution 1152 x 864 pixels, dual monitor setup

Some pictures...





All information is subject to change without notice.
ACID® is a trademark or registered trademark of Sony Pictures Digital, Inc.

Steinberg, on the 03-09-2004

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