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Nuendo at NAMM 2000

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This is it. Nuendo, Steinberg's high end media production system, was officially launched at NAMM and stock of the entire Nuendo product line should land in Canada over the next few weeks. Nuendo is over 4 years in the making and is worth every minute.

Nuendo is a 128 track audio recording facility which supports VST 2.0 and ASIO 2.0, it includes a complete 128 channel mixer and supports surround sound in ways that make other systems look very inflexible. Nuendo is the only system on the market today that is able to cope with the rapid changes in surround technologies.

One of the key points of Nuendo is it's possibility to adapt to the users needs. Nuendo can run on anything from a high-end notebook to a multi-processor based system with high-end converters such as Apogees AD-8000. Thanks to Nuendo's support of the ASIO 2.0 standard, a wide range of different hardware options is available for the user making it the most flexible software choice in the professional industry.

Nuendo also includes an unlimited undo version history for both the applications environment and each individual audio clip used in the project. Also supported are VST 2.0 and Direct X, MIDI and video tracks, full automation, hardware remote control and much much more. For detailed information, please see

Also supported are VST 2.0 and Direct X, MIDI and video tracks, full automation, hardware remote control and much much more. For detailed information, please see The suggested list retail price of Nuendo is $1949.00 CDN. Nuendo is available for Windows 98, NT and 2000. No other platform has been announced as of yet.

Nuendo Surround Bundle

The Surround Bundle for Nuendo is a collection of 6 surround realtime PlugIns, with up to 8 channel surround capability, designed for daily use in post-production work. Since the needs in a surround environment differ quite significantly from the classic two channel world. The PlugIns included are: OctoComp (Compressor), OctoMaxx (Loudness Maximizer), OctoQ (EQ), OctoVerb (Reverb) and the LFE Splitter and Combiner for Low Frequency Extension surround channel.

  • OctoComp (Compresseur)
  • OctoMaxx (Loudness Maximizer)
  • OctoQ (EQ)
  • OctoVerb (Reverb)
  • LFE Splitter
  • Combiner pour l'extension des basses fréquences des canaux surround.

Nuendo TimeLock Pro

The TimeLock Pro interface reads VITC and LTC timecode and generates MTC MIDI time code together with a phase locked low jitter word clock reference. While MTC MIDI time code is used to trigger the start of audio playback/record, the word clock locks the digital audio with continuous sync. The word clock output can be set to either word clock (FSx1) or Digidesign Super Clock (FSx256). The typical lock up time is less than 0.4 seconds.

The TimeLock Pro supports five input signal combinations: LTC, VITC, LTC-VITC auto switching, LTC-Video sync and Video sync only. For detailed information, please see the hardware section of

Audio Card NUENDO 96/52

LThe Nuendo 96/52 is one of the finest audio cards available, designed by people who really understand the needs of hard disk recording and the requirements of modern native audio workstations including the latest trend towards applications supporting real-time virtual synthesis.

Not only offering unparalleled connectivity with other digital audio components, the Nuendo 96/52 also offers complete sync possibilities, zero latency monitoring and a state of the art technical implementation to integrate smoothly with PCI computers without Beingg an unnecessary burden to the host processor itself.

The Nuendo 96/52 is the first large scale digital audio connectivity provider of it's type to be designed to take full advantage of the ASIO streaming model and works with any ASIO 2.0 compliant software.

Connectivity: The 96/52 includes 3 x ADAT digital I/O, 1 x SPDIF digital I/O, 1 ADAT sync in for sample accurate transfers, 1 x word clock I/O on an expansion plate and a breakout cable for coaxial SPDIF operation.

Fordetailed information, please see the hardware section of

Audio Interface NUENDO 8-I/0

8 channels of analog connectivity for digital audio systems. The Nuendo 8-I/O includes several outstanding features that make it rather more than just another AD/DA such as Intelligent Clock Control (ICC), SyncCheck & SyncAlign® and Flexible Gain Architecture. The 8-I/O Interface uses the very latest 24 bit converters with 128x over-sampling to attain a real dynamic range of over 110 dB. The analog input circuitry uses a fully servo-balanced & completely symmetrical audio path. 8 1/4' analog inputs are converted to digital signals out ADAT optical digital outputs or TDIF digital outputs.

The Nuendo 8-I/O audio interface is the perfect companion for the 96/52 PCI audio card. For more detailed information, please see the hardware sectionof

NUENDO AD-8000 - Audio Interface APOGEE

At NAMM Apogee Electronics Corporation announced the release of a special edition of the Apogee AD-8000 digital audio conversion system for the Steinberg Nuendo Media Production System. Through this strategic partnership, the highly acclaimed AD 8000, an industry standard for professional quality A/D and D/A conversion, will be available as the AD-8000 Nuendo Edition.

Apogee's AD-8000 provides high-quality digital audio conversion hardware for the system, offering full 24-bit A/D conversion and many unique features. Optional 2- and 8-channel D/A cards make the AD-8000 into a complete conversion solution, while sophisticated interfacing, format conversion and synchronization features turn it into the hub of a digital audio/video production environment. Comprehensive metering and monitoring capabilities make the AD-8000 extremely versatile, while Apogee's proprietary Soft Limit, available on each A/D channel, delivers an additional 4Ð6dB of headroom and extra "punch" when introducing signals from the analog domain. Apogee's international standard UV22 is also included to take the AD-8000's high-resolution 24-bit digital signals down to 16-bit for CD and DAT, or 20-bit for DVD-Video and other media when required, without discernible loss of detail.

The Apogee AD-8000 Nuendo edition includes the ADAT optical expansion card for connection to the 96/52 audio card. For more information please see


This single hippest piece of software shown at NAMM was Reason, the new software synth rack from Propellerheads, developers of ReBirth and ReCycle.

Finally, a software synth that's harder than hardware. Software synths have been around for almost as long as the personal computer. But somehow, they've never really made the grade. Too demanding on computer resources. Too complex. Too limited. Indifferent sounding. Unplayable. Or simply not cool enough. But now, the first software synth to equal and surpass the power, glory and attitude of dedicated hardware has arrived. In fact, it's a lot more than just a synth. It's a complete music system. The Age of Reason is finally here.

Analog synth, sampler, drum machine, REX loop player, mixer, effects, pattern sequencer, and more. As many of each as your computer can handle. Reason is an infinitely expandable MIDI studio on a CD-ROM, complete with its own realtime sequencer.

All the power of hardware, but without the hassle. Forget tripping on cables. Reason doesn't need dusting. Picking up where you left off is as simple as turning the power on. When you save your work, your whole studio setup is stored along with your music. You can even include actual samples, loops and drum kits in the file, for easy web publishing or email distribution to other Reason users. For once, total recall is truly total.

Each unit in Reason's virtual rack is edited from its own on-screen front panel. All the sliders, knobs, buttons and functions of the equivalent hardware are there. But more importantly, on several counts, Reason is better than hardware.

Need another piece of gear ? Forget your overdraft and save yourself the bus fare to the music store. Choose what you need from the Create menu, and it appears in your rack, logically patched into the signal chain. If you ever wished you had eleven samplers, Reason is definitely for you.

Don't like the routing ? Press the Tab key, and the rack will turn over, revealing inputs, outputs, CV and Gate connections. Use the on-screen patch cords to set up complex routings and cross-device modulation patches. And if you run out of mixer channels, just create another mixer.

The studio of your dreams is just a few mouse clicks away.

For more information please see


First there was the Model-E, then the Pro-Five; 2 incredible emulations of classic analog synths which are taking the MIDI world by storm. The latest member of the Virtual Studio Instruments family is the unbelievable PPG Wave. The PPG Wave 2.V is the reincarnation of a cult, which started back in 1982 and will be available soon as a VST Instrument for your PC and Mac VST system.

The Wave 2 series was the first digital wavetable synthesizer with analog filters, heralding a revolution in both sound and concept. The Wave's most interesting feature was its ability to sweep through 64 waveforms in what PPG called a wavetable.

Now Waldorf the leader in wavetable synthesis - brings this exclusive sound back to life with all the advantages a completely integrated software production environment such as Cubase VST has to offer: The outputs appear directly in the VST mixer, so effects and EQ can be applied like any other audio channel.

MIDI tracks are routed directly to the input of the PPG Wave 2.V without involving the vagaries of MIDI cables and interfaces. The polyphony now depends solely on the CPU power of your computer and opening up to 8 PPG Wave 2.Vs, each with 8 times multitimbral capability, gives you more than enough space for your sound imagination. A new graphical page offers easy editing of envelopes, generators and Cutoff/Emphasis.

The combination of modern software technology plus the charm and massive sound potential of the "old" digital days results in a unique instrument which brings back individuality and pure fun: The PPG Wave 2.V. Canadian price and shipping date are to be announced.


EQ-1 is the product that originally redefined affordable valve technology, and six years later it boasts thousands of users worldwide. Now TL Audio brings that classic rock solid Equalizer to the digital domain and makes it available within your VST PC and Macintosh or PC Direct X system.

La force de l'EQ-1 se trouve dans sa simplicité. Chaque bande offre un choix de 4 fréquences sélectionnées avec attention, lesquelles combinées avec des pentes douces et des courbes larges donnent à l'EQ-1 un son immédiatement chaud et musical. Il suffit de sélectionner une fréquence et de l'atténuer ou de l'amplifier. Les résultats sont immédiats et étonnants.

The EQ-1's strength lies in its very simplicity - each EQ band offers a choice of four carefully selected switched frequencies, which combined with gentle slopes and broad curves give the EQ-1 an instantly warm, musical sound. Simply select a frequency then cut or boost it - the results are immediate and stunning! Vocals, keyboards, guitars and basses are all enhanced by the EQ-1, and overall mixes can be sweetened and shaped quickly and effortlessly. Ideal for adding warmth in a digital environment, or for bypassing a bland solid state console EQ. EQ-1 features a graphical display for easy and fast control of the frequency response and its parameters are automatable for creative filter movements.

The combination of modern software technology and TL Audio's proven experience in valve sound results in a flexible Plug-In with all the advantages of digital audio systems, whilst still providing the classic valve sound with its gradual overdrive characteristic. TL Audio quality for your VST System !

Believe it or not, that's not even all the news from NAMM! In addition to what you've just read about, Steinberg has everything from an LM-4 sample CD-ROM, the Rocket Powered Cubase for jamming over the internet and even a few more special announcement. For all the news, check out :

Translation into French : Olivier MALHOMME, on the 14-02-2000

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